Recent content by TimD420

  1. T

    Where can i get a MM card in southern michigan?

    I had an appointment with The Kind Tree on Tuesday. They told me their doctor was "transferred" and they were working on another, but didn't think they would have one for a while. Haven't tried any others.
  2. T

    An introduction to Michigan Medical Marijuana - How to get started

    Thanks for the well thought out feedback, deprave. I can see it has both negatives and positives to consider. Motownklown, if that was directed towards me - I'm not interested in breaking the law, I've never sold or dealt. I'm just looking to legitimize my choice of a joint over a beer...
  3. T

    A few Ideas to cure our woes:

    Hi Rob, and thanks. You are right - we were never designed to be a pure democracy (rather impractical for more than a city-state), rather a representative republic which was to be governed by the Constitution. The concept was simple enough, but we see that as the US evolved politically, brief...
  4. T

    A few Ideas to cure our woes:

    Interesting ideas I see reading through the conversation here. You know what they say about opinions, but IMO the biggest problem facing us here in the United States (biggest problem internally at least) is the illusion of democracy that we operate under. How can we call ourselves a democracy...
  5. T

    An introduction to Michigan Medical Marijuana - How to get started

    To my Michigan brethren. I am thinking about becoming a patient, but I have a couple questions first: Is it reasonably attainable for someone without records (I'm interested more for being "sick" of feeling like I am breaking the law than actually being sick), and if so what's the best way to go...
  6. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all, new here. Looking to learn and share (mostly learn) knowledge with the community. I have been familiar with cannabis for a few years, but am looking to grow these days so this is my branching out (so to speak). Coming from Michigan (US), am not a MMM patient however I might give that a...