Recent content by thisbuds4u101

  1. thisbuds4u101

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    Just harvested 3 beauties just as strong and potent as the last time got a really good yield as well. Good luck looks and sounds like you’ve got things under control.
  2. thisbuds4u101

    Where to find seeds in illinois

    Gropro southern Illinois Carbondale
  3. thisbuds4u101

    The Old Farts thread

    I still here lol just turned 60 in March
  4. thisbuds4u101

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    Your exactly right Santa Cruz that’s where skunk was born my friend! I lived there until I was 17 years old
  5. thisbuds4u101

    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    Just harvested something a little different couple weeks ago I’m sure many out there have grown it. But as I originally stated I’m and old school hippie that’s reluctant to let go of the old and grab some of the new. So I grew some Snoop Punch from elev8 and it’s really damn good nice fruity...
  6. thisbuds4u101

    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    You know I’ve done business with ILGM on several occasions had fairly good luck with them for a while but I’ll no longer I stopped due to exact same reason where I live we don’t have the luxury of obtaining seeds at a local breeder as some on the west coast or our northern neighbors. Elev8...
  7. thisbuds4u101

    Southern Illinois/Southeast Mo.

    Yes for medical card holders only though.
  8. thisbuds4u101

    Southern Illinois/Southeast Mo.

    Looking for fellow growers in Southern Illinois and Southeast Mo. to start a Coffee Club. I did this years ago in California an it was a big hit. Getting together share ideas and thoughts about all types of growing. Will meet in a central location accessible to everyone. It’s a great way for...
  9. thisbuds4u101

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I don’t know I guess it’s possible now AG Seeds has original skunk 1 but from 1996 Todd McCormick who’s one of the best in the business runs it. But 70’s-80’s that’s almost impossible to acquire.
  10. thisbuds4u101

    Restarting grow at new location

    Feed those babies a little nitrogen my friend!
  11. thisbuds4u101

    The Junk Drawer

    The Bellemy Brothers Old Hippie
  12. thisbuds4u101

    The Junk Drawer

    I don’t bitch when I gotta fill it up either can tow a trailer with a Prius my friend!
  13. thisbuds4u101

    The Junk Drawer

    That orange bastard had 4 damn years and screwed us all except the top 1% now he’s down in club sinkhole still lying his no good ass off. Orange bastard!
  14. thisbuds4u101

    The Junk Drawer

    That’s damn funny for sure though my truck gets 10 miles per gallon.