Recent content by TheStrainHunter

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    What To Look For When Rooting Clones?

    I'm new to cloning as I have always grown from seed stock but have just made my first batch of Hindu Clones and am becoming worried what are some signs my clones will root and this whole waiting for roots isn't a whole waste of time so far it has been 3 days my clones are not wilted in Rw under...
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    How is she looking so far?? *PICS*

    EWC,Jamaican Or Indian Bat Guano,Bone or Blood Meal,Seabird Guano and Fish Emulsion can all be found at local plant nurserys I'm not to sure if you should take advice from that kaendar guy ^. :rolleyes:
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    very late putting outside experiment!

    Days in So-Cal are still going long so I'm starting some cutting and putting them outside around August 15-19 first frost in my area isn't until late November hoping to harvest some quality smoke cheers and good luck on your grow though you are more on the Nortgern Hemisphere than me and your...
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    Growing advise from Kaendar. Would you listen to him?

    Wow 50 post in the past 10mins the thread is on fire.
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    Growing advise from Kaendar. Would you listen to him?

    Damn!!!!! This thread is getting heated
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    Hola Marijuana Growers

    Hola fellow growers just wanted to stop and say hi I'm a fairly experienced outdoor grower lurking in the Californian mountains and just signed up to chat with some fellow farmers and share our knowledge of growing dope. :)