Recent content by thesleep

  1. T

    Can I use grow lights outdoors?

    Today I set up an outdoor MH 600watt about 3 feet above the highest apical meristem (growth tip) and while it looked like the light was making the plant photosynthesize, definitly a lot of light was being lost to the surrounding area (considering the lights are so high, 10ft, and there are no...
  2. T

    Can I use grow lights outdoors?

    Does anybody know if I can use a normal extension chord???? also, they r pretty much in shade but get 15-20 minutes of light they look ok... should i wait until sings of dying to move them? or will i need to move them before flower, hmmm... nobody knows about growing in filtered light? or...
  3. T

    Can I use grow lights outdoors?

    Recently moved and transplanted three six-footers (all growing together looks like 1 plant) into my yard which does not get great sun, there are these huge trees blocking light most of the day and the plants mainly only get filtered light with maybe 1 hour of full sun a day where as before they...
  4. T

    Just transplanted some 8ft plants, leaves curling up, fastest route to normalization?

    Hi, out of necessity I had to transplant some 8ft plants in the ground into a 25 gal container, now they're leaves are facing up and backwards (not "wilting" yet tho) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. T

    how much does a cannabis farm smell during flowering

    this is the outdoor forum
  6. T

    outdoors medical grow general questions

    You'd think these would be simple questions for a seasoned grower. . .
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    outdoors medical grow general questions

    also, at this point in time, should i cut off all these lower leaves/branches off that arn't getting sunlight or are streching far to get it?
  8. T

    outdoors medical grow general questions

    I'm going to give them a NPK with a high phosphorus for flowering, can anybody reccomend a fertlizing scheme?
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    outdoors medical grow general questions

    keep them shorter by super cropping? you mean for next time? I topped one of the plants, I just hope my neighbors don't mind that theres a fat cola sticking over their fence and which is a very visible place from their window. Not to mention from the street. how necessary are flowering nutes...
  10. T

    outdoors medical grow general questions

    bump, can anybody answer my questions?
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    outdoors medical grow general questions

    Hi guys, I'm a first-second time grower. First grow got pollinated and these seeds just came up naturally. I think they were the free seeds from so I'm not really expecting anything amazing, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were hemp. It was...
  12. T

    Top of plant ready, rest unready?

    prune tips or what? please explain I forgot to mention that one of them was pollinated and has some seeds on it
  13. T

    Top of plant ready, rest unready?

    okay here they are
  14. T

    Top of plant ready, rest unready?

    Hi, it seems like my top colas are ready for harvest but there is still a majority of white haris on many o the lower colas. This is my first time. also, why are my buds so small?