Recent content by TheJesusChrist

  1. TheJesusChrist

    As you read. I'm Smokin it Up!

    not too much man, just chillin up here like usual.
  2. TheJesusChrist

    As you read. I'm Smokin it Up!

    Your part of the few, they are growing in numbers though. I call them pussies.
  3. TheJesusChrist

    "Historic Attack on States Rights" (AP CALI Article in my newspaper)

    I don't live in your country. Your rules don't apply. Here we go again with the Americans thinking the world revolves around them! Sounds like your the one who's getting raped. I hear it's not too fun. Depends on which end your on I guess..
  4. TheJesusChrist

    Marijuana Geocaching!

    tech scavenger hunt? wha?
  5. TheJesusChrist

    "Historic Attack on States Rights" (AP CALI Article in my newspaper)

    blah blah blah. You Americans never shut up.
  6. TheJesusChrist

    Marijuana Geocaching!

    geo wha?..
  7. TheJesusChrist

    So Fucking Mad Right Now!

    you just ruined a perfectly good thread!!! Why have you gone and changed the subject!!!
  8. TheJesusChrist

    Has Anyone Seen My Camel?

    I remember riding camels, way back when I was teaching preachers how to preach.
  9. TheJesusChrist

    Need Some Pussy

    cats suck. seriously. you can believe me. I like pussy though.
  10. TheJesusChrist

    Let's All Snap Into A Slim Jim Randy Savage Saved Us!!

    didn't I already mention this like 3 day ago?
  11. TheJesusChrist

    She Said Yes!

    I see divorce in the future.
  12. TheJesusChrist

    So Fucking Mad Right Now!

    from broken tv's too sexy babes. I'm enjoying this.
  13. TheJesusChrist

    Totally Lost Track of Time the Other Day!

    you know what dad? I'm sick and tired of always having to do what you tell me! I NEVER WANTED TO DIE ON THE CROSS! There I said it. YOU JUST USE ME! Now I wanna hang out with some people on the internet and I can't? Also beautiful beings!?! You talk shit all the time about the humans! It's not...