Recent content by thegrownoob

  1. thegrownoob

    I need to produce a specific amount, am I on the right track?

    He he, yeah if I just grow it all in one go I will use it waaay faster.
  2. thegrownoob

    I need to produce a specific amount, am I on the right track?

    I get what you are saying there, but could I do the same thing by doing it all in the same room, staggering the start time for flowering by a couple of weeks per plant and just replace plants as they are harvested?
  3. thegrownoob

    I need to produce a specific amount, am I on the right track?

    I personally have had luck using ice in confined spaces, plus I was also thinking I could use dry ice to boost co2 levels so it will serve two purposes. I figure it won't hurt to try it because I need to set up separate light tight air ducks anyway and this is a way to facilitate that.
  4. thegrownoob

    I need to produce a specific amount, am I on the right track?

    I'm kind of confused. Why would I need two flowering cabs? Couldn't I just do it it in one where I'm vegging in my veg box and then rotating plants every two to four weeks into my flower box once I'm up an running? My current plan is to have a single cab divided into two cabs. They will be...
  5. thegrownoob

    I need to produce a specific amount, am I on the right track?

    Yeah I figure I won't see a harvest for six months. It could be sooner than that, but I doubt it. Plus it will take me a bit of time to put it all together. I figure it will pay off in the long run though. I'll spend about what I would spend on two months worth of bud on this set up (less...
  6. thegrownoob

    I need to produce a specific amount, am I on the right track?

    What is your lighting setup like?
  7. thegrownoob

    I need to produce a specific amount, am I on the right track?

    Hello all, I've done a couple of very small grows so far, both in a mini fridge. Neither were mega harvests, nor did I expect them to be. I would like to try again, but this time I want to do it right. I'm an mmj card holder, and I use a pretty set amount every month. Basically I go through...
  8. thegrownoob

    Cannabis Card and jobs

    Sorry to revive a two month old thread but this struck me as funny because there are absolutely zero job listings on the site that you provided.
  9. thegrownoob

    Mini Fridge Grow #2

    You know I had planned to do that but it didn't work out like I thought it would. Last time my plant got huge in flower so I cut back on my veg time, but I guess it was too much.
  10. thegrownoob

    Mini Fridge Grow #2

    Ambient temps are air conditioned at 75 degrees so no worries there, it won't get worse. Yeah, mini fridge is less than ideal as I have learned. Next time I'll be starting over with a new and slightly larger setup. This has just been been for practice so I'm good and ready when I decide to go...
  11. thegrownoob

    Mini Fridge Grow #2

    That's probably as good as its going to get. I've got fans going. I think my last grow had similar temps and things seemed to go ok. Unfortunately mini fridges really hold the heat in.
  12. thegrownoob

    FYI, i finally posted pics, sorry about the wait.

    FYI, i finally posted pics, sorry about the wait.
  13. thegrownoob

    Mini Fridge Grow #2

    BTW right now I'm running 1 70w HPS, 1 68w floro, and one 23w floro. I guess that's like 13K lumens. I'm going to try to add some more light if I can find room for it. The temps have been around 90 but I don't think it would hurt to go a little higher at this point.
  14. thegrownoob

    Mini Fridge Grow #2

    I was gonna take a pic, but then I got high. Ohh ohh ohh I was gonna post it on the net, but then I got high. Now my pic ain't been posted, and I know why. Why man? Yeah hey cause I got high, cause I got high, cause I got high... Sorry about that everyone. Here are the pics that I promised...
  15. thegrownoob

    Mini Fridge Grow #2

    In early flowering now, I'll post an update tonight or tomorrow when the lights come on.