Recent content by Thebroketoker

  1. T

    Alien Genetics = HERMIES

    Rlly weird that surfr quit responding after daliwarpaint called him out on this shit ...rlly odd indeed. I know shit when I smell it. Almost 8years later and this is enough to keep me from EVER buying Surfr seeds And also he sells seeds for 200 a pack So he's full of shit anyway I'll buy...
  2. T

    Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?

    Bro thats because hygrozyme and hydroguard are completely differnet products-not even the same intended use
  3. T

    When does a seedling enter the vegatative stage?

    Bag seeds bourne of stress pollenated by hermie flowers. This will be the result. Hermes thru and thru
  4. T

    Sensi Grow pH Perfect Problems

    Thats the general trend I'm seeing, just looking for a large amount of varying responses, not only for my own benefit but for anyone else who is having my problems. So wild that the traditional pH parameters don't apply here! Hope to hear more from others! Also, anyone with experience in...
  5. T

    Sensi Grow pH Perfect Problems

    Hello all and thanks in advance for the help!! Im 20 days into my first R-drip system using hydroton (thoroughly rinsed and soaked properly) with 9 girls under 2 600 watt lights My concern is this: Like so many others, after mixing AN Sensi Grow at a ratio of .75 ml/L (im starting a couple...