Recent content by TheBandit

  1. TheBandit

    The goal of harvesting and curring !

    This is just funny, don't go shooting people now Gang-star.
  2. TheBandit

    Need help, way to hot

    Ok here is the problem, my grow rooms are getting way to hot. It is currently in the high 80's, low 90's here outside, which is where I am pulling my fresh air from. When I opened the grow rooms, the were both reading around 90. I am not a rocket scientist, and I may not know about the space...
  3. TheBandit

    Growing Software

    Ok I think that I am just going to use the Calender that comes installed on the Mac, but if anyone has any software that would help keep track of growth, water, etc responses would be great.
  4. TheBandit

    Growing Software

    So no one has got anything for a mac?
  5. TheBandit

    Growing Software

    Why would you want that when you could just store all of the info on the computer?
  6. TheBandit

    Growing Software

    Anyone know if there is one for Mac OS
  7. TheBandit

    Growing Software

    Does anyone know if there is any computer software that will help keep track of plant growth, water, days in certain cycles (veg/flow), you know all of the stuff that you have to keep track of anyway. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
  8. TheBandit

    [Software] CannaGrower Alpha 4

    Do you still have the program, was wondering if I could get a copy of it.
  9. TheBandit

    Opium question

    good to know, but another question, I know that some parts of texas have them, a bunch of my buddies used to make opium tea out of the poppies they got growing wild in texas. Why would they grow in texas (extreme cold, which is good for poppies, but extreme heat too, which i would assume is bad...
  10. TheBandit

    Opium question

    where in california do opium poppy's grow? or where can you find them in California?
  11. TheBandit

    First time grower ultra skunk and master kush

    Last night, for some unknown reason, the flowering closet hit 100 degrees, if this only happened for a night it will not stun the plants will it? I unplugged the CFL's up there and the heat dropped to 85. I'll get some more pictures up as soon as possible to show the differences since the...
  12. TheBandit

    Drug dogs

    The 'only thing that I know of is sprinkling Potpourri on the carpet by it. It works, but I wouldnt do it because it ruins the nose of the dog and that is mean. :P **edit: not sure if it potpourri, it is that stuff that you spread around carpet to make it smell good. The chemicals in that...
  13. TheBandit

    Best strain for Anxiety

    Honestly, my true favorite for anxiety would have to be Blue Dream, man when I am sitting somewhere feeling my pulse race and have trouble getting air, I walk away take a few tokes off of some Blue Dream and calm myself back down, It is the best!
  14. TheBandit

    !!!my Babies Somethings Wrong!!!

    definitly looks just like mine that i nut. burned a while ago. How old are they if they are still young, they should be getting no nut's.
  15. TheBandit

    Number 1 Rule!!

    Yeah I have the worst time with not telling friends you know. I am so proud of what I got going and feel I have to tell everyone. Looking back I wish I would have told no one.