Recent content by Thebackwoodskid

  1. T

    Bug or smthn else , big problem :(

    i had the same problem, all i did was gave my plant a good spraying of soapy water once a day for 2 days. that fixed the probelm in no time. whatever it was all i got to say is this ---->:hump:
  2. T

    ay man, greetings from sw WA :D

    ay man, greetings from sw WA :D
  3. T

    Plant is falling over!!!!!

    cool, that makes me feel better thanx
  4. T

    Plant is falling over!!!!!

    Ok so this year is my fist year of growing and i think there might be something wrong with my plant. i started and have been growing it outside. just yesterday we had a bad rain fall and i noticed that my plant has fallen over. it seems to be still growing good but it seems as if it started to...
  5. T

    Hello Everyone !

    hello fellow Washingtonian. me born & raise in Washington to. you are very correct on the weather. exellent for growing, and smoking:eyesmoke: its good to be a part of this site. hope to learn some things here.