Recent content by TheAmazingDoctorZymes

  1. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Is it chop time? Mostly cloudy trichomes

    I see a little amber in there. She's almost there. Personally I like to see 5-20% amber trichomes before harvesting. It depends how locked you want to be to the couch. More amber, more couch lock.
  2. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    First harvest. How many more weeks?

    Your girls look really good. But I'd get another microscope to be sure. Personally I like to see 5-20% amber trichomes before harvesting.
  3. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Thrips how to treat

    Yep, you need a good soil drench to kill the eggs and larvae in the soil. Or else the cycle continues.
  4. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Thrips how to treat

    Plus it's all natural.
  5. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Insect damage or is it due to something else?

    An issue with thrips look similar, but if you scoped it out and didn't see any thing, just keep an eye on it. @FirstCavApache64 made good points.
  6. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Ssh bottom leaves droopy even after water

    Keep it simple. Don't over complicate things. Make sure your soil is on point. Get you some good living soil with natural microbes, nematodes, and such, using just plain water with a little molasses and natural kelp. You'd be surprised.
  7. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Septoria,Rust or what?

    Oils clog the plant stomata, keeping plants from maximum photosynthesis. Keep us posted how it goes. The sample was a suggestion not an offer.
  8. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    New grower, leaves shriveling/dying

    LOL at citric acid in your eye. A garden comedian. Yes, more than the first thread is read when genuine about helping. In fact, a little natural citric acid may help more than any help you can give.
  9. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Nute burn, k def, or something else?

    Good points here. I'd say K. I. S. S. your garden. That's my moto. Keep It Simple Smartie!
  10. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Septoria,Rust or what?

    Could be leaf septoria or mites. To diagnos the issue get a good microscope or jewlerer loup to scope it out. Either way, if you like you can try a sample of our 100% all natural, all-in-one insecticide and fungicide here. It will get rid of leaf septoria...
  11. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Leaf discoloration on autoflower

    Good points already listed. Be sure to check you pH as well. Between 6-7 is good.
  12. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    Droopy plant

    Go ahead and transplant her. No need to cut back healthy roots. And be care not to over-water.
  13. TheAmazingDoctorZymes

    New grower, leaves shriveling/dying

    Get you a good microscope or jeweler loupe to see if there are any insects or pest problems. It there is,you can try a free sample of 100% all natural insecticide and fungicide here. It will naturally prevent and eliminate pests, harmful insects, mildew, fungus...
  14. TheAmazingDoctorZymes


    Stop listening to what "they" say. K.I.S.S. your garden... Keep It Simple Smartie! No need to flush before flower unless you are pouring a bunch of junk into the soil. Get some good living soil, compost tea, and Eliminator for natural preventative maintenance to control pests. Do that and...