Recent content by Tha Rev

  1. T

    Glenn Beck

    That's funny Vi...CNN? really? Fox News, at 5pm EST and then a rerun of the 5pm show at 2am.
  2. T

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    It's crazy that people charge that kind of money for pot in the first place, but especially middies. geez. That good mountain soil up there can really grow some nice ones I'm sure...
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    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    Welcome back homie! You from NC yourself? With this being true...I think that MOST ALL college towns seem to have some pretty dank nugs. Boone, Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Greenville, Wilmington...the list can go on i'm sure.
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    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    Just bumpin this thing around a bit. Seems that the people from NC just fell off the world. Where'd ya'll go?
  5. T

    Can "indoor" seeds be used outdoors?

    Thanks guys...that's what I'm thinking. It's a plant that started outside, I guess all the xbreeding made strains that were really light hungry and people want to be able to control EVERYTHING about the grow, so they do them inside. I'll probably give them a try here in the spring. So, if I look...
  6. T

    Can "indoor" seeds be used outdoors?

    I'm looking at getting some strain seeds for next spring instead of trying to use some bagseed. The question I'm curious about is would it be possible to plant indoor dominant strains outside with desirable results? I really like some of the indoor strains and qualities, but do not have access...
  7. T

    need help please. Harvest Early?

    I'm in the Southeast and we just got finished with that rain a few days ago. I would really be on the watch for bud rot if you've had that much rain/moisture. 40 degrees won't hurt them. May possibly help. (Heard that THC protects the plants from cold, so the colder it is without...
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    What should I do? Quick help needed plz, going out of town

    16 people seein this and noone with any opinions or ideas? lol come on ya'll, help a brother out
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    What should I do? Quick help needed plz, going out of town

    This morning I found a few spots of what apppears to be bud rot on my girl. Carefully dissected the buds on plant and removed all problem areas with small scissors. We just got over a stint of rain for a few days. I'm assuming that's what caused it. I don't think she is quite ready to be...
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    Dumb Luck

    They do that with wine grapes out here in NC when the scare of a frost is looming. Don't know how "effective" it would be since there might be a risk of mold, etc...but they spray the grapes with water mist, or they set up sprinklers to rain on them. the constant water will prevent the frost...
  11. T

    Never done this before...absolutely the coolest shizzy EVER!

    Aight aight ya'll, so here it goes....(read the date with the little old posh British lady accent, it's much funnier, HAHA!) On the Twenty-Fourth day, of the Ninth month, the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Nine(haha),(back to reading in your normal voices now) I just happened to experience...
  12. T

    First To I.D. Get's +Rep from Lumberjack!

    I know this is late as hell, but when I first saw it, I was like really need to change the water in your pipe man! HAHA
  13. T

    Growin' it up in NC. *1st successful grow*

    How long do you think I should wait before trying out my sample that I harvested 30 hrs ago? The stem still seems pretty "green", but i def don't want to rush anything, and still need to cure after drying as well, i suppose, so i'm not disappointed or anything. I didn't really know how to go...
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    I got a little artsy the last time out!

    Yo Juan, both me and the wife(professional photog, hehe) think it's a great shot. Sun flares at times can be a bit much/harsh, but the placement of that one at the top of the cola just makes the whole pic kinda surreal. Very nice...great photo.
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    Growin' it up in NC. *1st successful grow*

    Thank ya yoto! First real grow, and just some bagseed. I'm real pleased so far. I really hope that continues to grow!