Recent content by teamsleep

  1. teamsleep

    Subcool's Super Soil

    Hey sub, any special advice on growing A-13 in SS?
  2. teamsleep

    Subcool's Super Soil

    sub have you used your soil to grow any veggies or other plants? i use your soil already with awesome results, but looking for something to use for the rest of my garden before i mix up another batch
  3. teamsleep

    What Part of ‘Change’ Does DEA not Understand?

    oh, you mean a president made promises during his campaign that he isn't fulfilling in office? surprise!! just shows that the candidates the media picks for you aren't the ones who care about your personal liberties.
  4. teamsleep

    Other Veggies in my Grow Room :)

    wormwood is supposed to deter moths/flea beetles and other pests from your garden
  5. teamsleep

    Organic Hydro

    theres a massive difference between the taste in chemically grown bud and organically grown, regardless of curing and flushing
  6. teamsleep

    Organic Hydro

    bmo products -- ebay cheap and easy to use, just may have to strain them before plenty of people use organic hydro nutes, theres absolutely no need to use chemicals
  7. teamsleep

    My organic soil mix. Need your thoughts

    personally i would start the plants out in your plain bagged soil then once theyre established transplant into the larger buckets. as Ohsogreen said, you'll need to buffer them with a layer of plain soil on top of the hotter soil so the plant can adjust to it. same with the watering. you want...
  8. teamsleep

    starting garden. best place to get good seeds?

    wheres the best place to get quality seeds for things like asparagus, lettuce, radishes, onions, peas, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash? thanks for any help
  9. teamsleep

    sucanat directly into soil

    look no further, subcool is the master of soil and all things bud
  10. teamsleep

    Blue Mountian Organics

    for hydro use, depending on your method, you'll need to strain the stp, grow it green, flower power, etc. use a coffee filter or something similar so it does not clog your pump or lines. other than that youre meant to use 50% strength in hydro i believe. i hand water hempy buckets so i dont...
  11. teamsleep

    Auction Ordering Info

    its working fine for me
  12. teamsleep

    Auction Ordering Info

    I'm confused and can't find the invoice. Is it just the auction page itself or am I missing something? don't want to send the wrong thing thanks
  13. teamsleep

    Super Plant Tonic...what it is and what it is not...

    i bought mine for $4 i believe..then $3.50 each for flower power/grow it green they also sent me the bigger bottle of spt :)