Recent content by teachme101

  1. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    So..umm....I understand that I need so many watts of CFL to get the ladies booming...but if I limit my watts, exactly what is the fall back of that? I know I might have a smaller yield, and it would take longer, but is that it?? I only have 2 plants they are LST'd about 2 months old I think and...
  2. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Oh and just to add, I am in week 4/5 I think. I will post pictures tomorrow if needed, please let me know. I also saw a shallow root..WTH!!...but I kinda knew about it, when I repotted them I saw that it had 2 spikes coming out of the sides right above the soil. So when I placed it in it's new...
  3. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Got a little bit of an issue, well not really. My ladies are doing GREAT and BLEW up after I repotted them in a gallon bucket. I potted them together to save on space, anyways... They are in the same pot, but the one that I feel is doing the best (growing really fast) I noticed yesterday the...
  4. teachme101

    Literally wardrobe growing

    That is a REALLY good picture you got there, I would say YES it is showing signs of sex.
  5. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Well, fellas.... Looks like I am the proud mother of 2 GIRLS!!!! yay!!!!
  6. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    AWESOME!!! Thanks, ALOT!
  7. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Yea I've done ALOT of reading and research as far as sexing goes. that's the best I can do on the pic its just a little line, 2 of them parallel from each other in different spots, she is the best looking one out of the 2, but the other one's leaves are coming in way faster. Weird!! I am hoping...
  8. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    :? So here are my little beauties, I think they are about a week old. Not really keeping track just going with it. They are on 12/12 and have been since I notice them SHOOT out of the ground. I know..they are a little tall, they are bag seed, and I think I got 2 different strains, one has fat...
  9. teachme101

    Temperatures, Humidity

    Umm...My temp with the light on about 76-80 and when the lights go out it is about 65-70, not sure on humidity I will find out in about 7 waiting on a package.
  10. teachme101

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Hey all, here are my 2 lil girls. Talk about DIY boxes, they sprouted a few days ago and the only way I can keep the humidity up in the box right now is to mist the inside of cups (with holes placed in them) and place them over the girls. I have the cups on during light on and take them off when...
  11. teachme101

    Temperatures, Humidity

    So I guess what I am doing is not that bad of an idea..I take the cups off when the lights are off so they can breathe. They seem to be thriving, turned the lights on when I came home from work and they had grown a little bit. My lights are a little far away right now, so there is a LITTLE stem...
  12. teachme101

    Student Arrested After Smoking Joint During Pro-Pot Essay At School

    Super High Me also another good Video to's by a comedian....not sure who has seen it or not but this guy doesn't smoke for 30 days...then he smokes for 30 days...takes all these tests and stuff..pretty interesting..
  13. teachme101

    Temperatures, Humidity

    Just what I was looking for, question, I am starting some 12/12 from seed and my last sprout DIED I think because there was not enough humidity, my temps are kinda high about 80/85F I believe right now, I came home and my lights fell so it was a lil off. I checked it a few minutes...
  14. teachme101

    Ciao from Italy

    I think you would get a better answer in a different thread..GOOD LUCK
  15. teachme101

    Ciao from Italy

    I was wondering how growing outside would be too, but I don't really live in the country or else I would be doing I sure hope you find your answer!