Recent content by Sydios

  1. S

    Dry/cure wine cooler techniques

    cool thanks
  2. S

    Dry/cure wine cooler techniques

    Thanks for the replies. Yeah gotta watch out for that freezing over. blue brother, you keep it at 62 the whole time?
  3. S

    Dry/cure wine cooler techniques

    Hi all, I wanted to check in on people who built a cannatrol clone out of a wine cooler to see what methods of drying/curing worked and which methods did not. This is not about building the unit itself, that is well documented on this forum and others. This is about the method used once you put...
  4. S

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Gotcha, thanks. So it’s really just about controlling the speed of drying and not the impact of the dehumidifier running that is dictating the decision making. Everyone has different methods and live in different climates so I try to get to the thought processes and not the actions taken so I...
  5. S

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Hi all, been following this thread and am on day 2 of my first dry. These are my thoughts from scouring the web and watching/reading anything cannatrol to reverse engineer the best I can: since we cannot see a dehumidifier in the cannatrol, I’m thinking they have 2 peltier coolers with One hot...