Recent content by supergrow357

  1. supergrow357

    Old nurients how old is old?

    considering the the type of nute. no go for sure.
  2. supergrow357

    11 days from seed. Is it ready for transplant?

    I would wait a little while. I also kind of judge it by how much water it drinks. I'm sure it could grow a couple more inches before you had to
  3. supergrow357

    Living the Hydro life!

    Living the Hydro life!
  4. supergrow357

    temperature control

    your in a tough spot. your light is a little much for that tent, esp in a non air conditioned area. I believe you could dim the light to 400. Also is it possible to buy a portable AC? Dont get the single tube garbage one if you do get one, always dual hose
  5. supergrow357

    Lighting design

    I think most people average about 2x2, 2x4, 3x3, 4x4. Sure there are all kind of other sizes, but it really all comes down to your space, lights, and style of growing. Also consider your canopy layout in the room and how big of a person you are. I'm 6' with good reach. I still find it hard...
  6. supergrow357

    my first serious indoor grow. Please check out and comment

    Since you said heat was becoming a problem i wouldnt suggest any more light. Try to make your canopy even and slightly dipping inward in the center.
  7. supergrow357

    my first serious indoor grow. Please check out and comment

    Ok, I like to do the big trim of lower leafs before flower but usually need to do a little bit during first week of flower also. Just get a clean razor or sharp blade. Just cut the scrawny branches off close to the main stalk. If you arnt experienced it might look like you cut to much. dont...
  8. supergrow357

    my first serious indoor grow. Please check out and comment

    oh yeah Phx, 600 watts works good. its basically a math game. A 600 covers so many feet very well. the more cubic feet you strech it, the less of a harvest. you need to manage your grow space and make it efficent. At least right now your plants appear to be in good health. i will have to...
  9. supergrow357

    Aero Flo 30 - Root problems

    i would use h2o2 as it would at least keep the dead root sterile. Also use hygrozyme or sensizym to help break the dead roots down. Might try to use scissors to cut away obvious dead root masses. if you happen to cut a little ( i mean Little) bit of the other roots not going to be worse than...
  10. supergrow357


    Just leave it alone. happens all the time outside do to various reasons. so long as the majority of the plant is good it will be fine. maybe consider putting some chicken wire around the plant to prevent animals from damaging it.
  11. supergrow357

    1st grow currently going... feedback?

    Some hardware stores do. just make sure it is a HPS (high pressure sodium) or MH ( metal halide). usually they sell them as security lights. so you would probably have to modify the housing to get a good light spread. you should go to a local hydroponic store and check what they got...
  12. supergrow357

    1st grow currently going... feedback?

    Hey hihibye, I would definitely get better light asap if you want a good yield. try a 250 watt hps or bigger. Just make sure what light you choose doesnt heat up your space to much.
  13. supergrow357

    my first serious indoor grow. Please check out and comment

    Hi Phx, so far your grow is looking pretty good. Have you started to flower yet? Also do you have a circulation fan in there? Maybe a portable A/C if you have the funds.
  14. supergrow357

    Grow Tent Temperature

    hi stone. Take the temp right above the canopy. If you can take the temp in a couple spots do that. Also know that if it is 82 at your canopy that it is a little warmer inside the leaf structure. heat stress can cause a lot of problems. As the summer gets hotter make sure you keep a good...
  15. supergrow357

    Dimmable ballast question

    Hi zips, you use the 400 watt bulb. Although bulbs are designed to operate at a certain voltage. so, dimming the ballast will change voltage and burn the elements in the arch tube at a different temperature. doing this will alter the spectrum your bulb puts out. saying this i would only dim...