Recent content by suncoastgrower

  1. suncoastgrower

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    I cant believe u did that lumen rating diagram ahah sick man like it were gonna be cookin in a few weeks ;)
  2. suncoastgrower

    Attention all experts

    Im just about to start growing some new plants and was wondering if I could grab a few tips off all you guru's out there. Mostly I'm just trying to source info about sprouting plants (predominately sativa)and how to make them grow quickly into the vegging stage... Does anyone have a strategy...
  3. suncoastgrower

    Outdoor sand dune GROW!

    Picture 5 is of the 50/50 plant.. Picture 8 is of the balls around the top of the plant and Picture 9 is of the bud sites with white hairs... I've got no clue what the deal is ahah
  4. suncoastgrower

    Outdoor sand dune GROW!

    Winter grown buds - So I have been growing these for a little while now and are nearly half way through the flowering stage. I have 3 females, however one plant seems to be half male and half female? Im not sure if it was female and got some pollen on the buds from another male and grew...
  5. suncoastgrower

    Growing season is AUS!

    yeh he's right ^^
  6. suncoastgrower

    First time shrooms *URGENT*

    well im certain otherwise i wouldnt have felt the way i did.. and they are australian gold tops straight outta a north facing hill with cow shit everywhereee WHY DOES NO ONE EVER ANSWER QUESTIONS!!!' bongsmilie
  7. suncoastgrower

    First time shrooms *URGENT*

    Today me and a large group of my mates ventured out to a local cow paddock, I didnt even think we would find any shrooms let alone them actually intoxicating me... I have taken an acid tab once before and would never want to do that anytime soon again ahha whilst we were searching there one was...
  8. suncoastgrower

    Outdoor Guerilla grow!~5 mysterious bagseeds~

    ^^listen to this guy^^
  9. suncoastgrower


    This is quite a funny little plant! ahah
  10. suncoastgrower

    What is wrong with these??? +rep 4 advice

    when i asked an assistant at bunnings they didnt even know what worm castings were.. or have it at that specific warehouse.. So you are saying to sprout all my seeds in the debco soil with nothing added, then once they are about 30cm put them into my organic soil with a very small amount of...
  11. suncoastgrower

    What is wrong with these??? +rep 4 advice

    whats so good about this soil? am I too add perlite, then how big do they have to be to put into organic soil? do you have any other advice about products at bunnings? +rep thanks
  12. suncoastgrower

    What is wrong with these??? +rep 4 advice

    I live in australia, I have never heard of/seen it in shops around where I live and Im not going to order any over the net... ??
  13. suncoastgrower

    What is wrong with these??? +rep 4 advice

    yeh I have noticed it on some of my bigger plants too, which happened when I trans-potted them into that soil mix
  14. suncoastgrower

    What is wrong with these??? +rep 4 advice

    probably too high concerntration
  15. suncoastgrower

    What is wrong with these??? +rep 4 advice

    They are like manure pellets, small and brown u know what i mean?