Recent content by Subtle Crucial

  1. Subtle Crucial

    Help with me plants

    Ah ok... That may be it then. Its just i thought that the rockwool cubes looked a little dry. I usually water em bout twice a day but I will stop now. Thanks for the help guys, really appreciate it
  2. Subtle Crucial

    Help with me plants

    Hey Hey 420 Cheers for helping out a beginner! Right so I got me kit set up its around 79 degrees in there. The 400w metal halide lamp is a good 2 1/4 ft away from the top of the tallest plant. The PH is around 6 - 6.4, im growing in 5 rockwool cubes humidity is around 60-70? The guy in the...
  3. Subtle Crucial

    Help with me plants

    Hey 4:20 Naa I cant see how the light would penetrate... One plant is 18", the other 11" and the final one is only a baby at 7". Its strange cos by the looks of things its starting to happen to em all... Maybe there lacking sommit?? --Uh Oh Got the ol camera workin so here are a few pics Cheers
  4. Subtle Crucial

    Help with me plants

    Hey y'all I have been growing me plants in a hydro kit for around 15 days with all chems and a metal-hay light supplied from my local ali bongo's and its all going pretty well. Recently I have found that some of the lower leaves are starting to wither and are turnin slightly yellow and now the...