Recent content by str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

  1. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    3 Word Story

    But intelligent rhynos...
  2. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    better not copy me though... :evil:
  3. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    Can You Adam And Eve It? home
  4. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    this shits still going... this is a never ending argument
  5. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    SuperBowl XLI

    OMG ON THE BEARS ... YOU DESERVE IT i think everyone new the colts would prevale... grossman doesnt have shit on manning
  6. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    3 Word Story

    shit on me
  7. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    3 Word Story

    his dad mourns..
  8. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    CLICK HERE if you're smoking right now!

    ripped. thats all i have to say.
  9. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    hahahahah YES

    just me then.
  10. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    CLICK HERE if you're smoking right now!

    ya same i was jus gonna kind of watch it have assed but the first quarter was so exciting i just got into it.
  11. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    Favorite Movies?

    post the last movies that you guys have seen to... im looking for good shit to watch/rent
  12. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    CLICK HERE if you're smoking right now!

    wow... nvm sister jumped in to shower and stole it from me. the btich
  13. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    CLICK HERE if you're smoking right now!

    literally about to go into my washroom to take some lung rips. who watched the super bowl tonight?? shit rian makes an exciting game
  14. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    3 Word Story

    hes gonna have
  15. str8-kiLLaaaaaaaaaas

    3 Word Story

    but he relizes