Recent content by stoner.dude420

  1. S


    Maybe but not sure but if you wanna see the extraction for this just google "kitchen crank" its just a simple a/b extraction.:mrgreen:
  2. S


    Actually not its a pretty simple procedure and cheap(you could steal the nasal inhalers if your were desperate but the chems to make meth are almost all watched by big brother and its alot more complicated process;))
  3. S


    If using hydrochloric acid to extract would make propylhexedrine HCL could i use citric acid(vitamin c) to make propylhexedrine citrate?(not asking for instructions on how to do it really just wondering if other acids could work for it)
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  5. S


    Well i still think its a intresting topic and somebodys gotta be intrested in this shit,
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    Damn i though their might be SOME tweakers awake to reply to this otc speed :-(
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    Heres what it say on wikipedia dudes:bigjoint: Medical use Propylhexedrine is used for nasal congestion. Historically, it has also been used for weight loss. [edit] Recreational use Propylhexedrine has been reported to be used recreationally, obtained as freebase from the cotton rods that...
  8. S


    Propylhexedrine (also called Hexahydromethamphetamine)is the active chemical in benzedrex otc nasal inhalers and also a strong ass stimulant.Theres 250mh in each inhaler and it about a 5th as potent as d-amphetamine so its equal to a adderall 50mg and only cost about 5 bux8), but the inhalers...
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    Research chemicals???

    bongsmilie Ive been reading alot on wikipedia,erowid, and googling about research chemicals such as phenezapam, Jwh-018(and other synthetic cannabanoids), 4-Fluoroamphetamine, and many other legal or uncontrolled substances that get you high. I have 3 :?:s 1).Is it safe ingesting any of these...
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    Erowid WTF

    I can't get erowid to pop up, every time i type it in a error 404 page comes up. Is any1 else having this problem?I just wanna know if the site is fucked up.
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    Salvia Cuttings

    i ordered from, the plants came through the mail alive and green. I think it was like 30$ for each clone plus shipping.
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    Homemade Vape?

    Has anyone tried making a vape from a soldering iron, dimmer switch, and glass jar?Does it work? The plans are all over the internet so i wont post a link.
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    I cant keep deer off my babies, every time i go back to them half the plant is missing. Ive been urinating around them and its not helping. What the hell can i do to keep them away?:wall:
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    Rooting gel

    Ive been using Rootech its effective but exspensive, only one out of every twenty clones die. Is there anything cheaper that works as decent as it?
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    Your fav drug?

    I can't believe people enjoy that, it reminds me of salvia its horrible IMO. Nitrous Oxide is the best