Recent content by StonedElmo

  1. StonedElmo

    First grow

    i don't really mind that they died i did pretty much every thing wrong from the start and i am pretty sure that next time i grow i'll do a good job.
  2. StonedElmo

    First grow

    the one thats left started budding like a week maybe two weeks after the orange bud so there is a few weeks left. if there is any sign of the plant dieing i'm going to cut it down. it's kind of funny the plant that i neglected is the one that survived and is doing better then the others ever...
  3. StonedElmo

    First grow

    alright didn't know that. i'm down to 1 plant now 1 of them died. the setup i have just causes problems and ill be taking it all down after the last one is finished. i fucked a load of things up but i'll know better next time. does anyone know of the metrop nutes. and are they good?
  4. StonedElmo

    First grow

    i think the humidity was very low because its in an enclosed closet that doesn't really get much air at all.
  5. StonedElmo

    First grow

    yeah iv'e been a bit lazy myself. i'm down to 2 plants now because i cut the orange bud down. the two that are left are blue cheese. one is very skinny but has bigger buds than the other ones. the orange bud got a bit fucked up and i'm pretty sure it was dieing too. i fucked a couple of things...
  6. StonedElmo

    My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone

    they look healthy. the main stem on one of them is very very leafy cant even see the long do you think you have left till you can harvest?
  7. StonedElmo

    My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone

    you can stop growth by trimming to often because the plant needs a couple days to recover. think about it your'e cutting part of a living thing off, it's going to have to heal before it starts growing again. if it needs to be trimmed do it all at once and water it straight after(try to do it...
  8. StonedElmo

    First grow

    yeah i'll be happy with anything once its free!
  9. StonedElmo

    First grow

    had a look in today and the orange bud is only starting to get its orange hairs now. the buds really seem alright when i read through this forum and others people always say there is no point in using anything other than HPS. you can grow some nice shit with eco lights(enviro lights) ill post...
  10. StonedElmo

    150w envirolight for flowering??

    sure your first grow is how you learn. i think my next grow should be very good. because i know what not to do now.
  11. StonedElmo

    My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone

    they are still looking very leafy. you seem to have done a lot of research before you started your grow. i sprouted seeds that i didn't think would sprout and decided to keep them. not knowing anything about growing till i found this website. now i have weed growing in my wardrobe. i have no...
  12. StonedElmo

    First grow

    cheers i just found a fan in argos that ill go pick up in the next couple days. i was'int sure if you could get a small fan that was'int battery powered. didn't think of argos.
  13. StonedElmo

    What about using my CFL envirolight for flowering

    have a look at my journal its in my signature its a grow with a 200w 2700k and a 125w 25000k(purple spectrum). i am using eco lights a different brand of lights to enviro lights. the only difference i know of is that the eco lights are bigger
  14. StonedElmo

    150w envirolight for flowering??

    training? what does that mean? yea i hope it goes well for you. you seem to have put a lot of effort into it. to be honest iv'e been quite lazy about mine but it seems to be working out alright.
  15. StonedElmo

    My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone

    yea my big one has 4 maybe 6 colas. tying down the main stem is a good idea. i tied it down ages ago but i untied it a couple weeks ago because i noticed buds growing on that branch and i will take all i can get.