Recent content by Steve E

  1. S

    Seeds from reversing

    OK, thanks. I was looking for pistels but didn't see too many yet. I'll keep an eye on it. Good thing I treated 2 females with STS. On or around the 4th treatment of STS spray I had 1 female crash hard, withered right up and died, but that didn't happen to this one. Hopefully I can end up with...
  2. S

    Seeds from reversing

    Sweet - now I just need to see seeds in several weeks
  3. S

    Seeds from reversing

    So no need for further STS treatment correct?
  4. S

    Seeds from reversing

    Thanks, I figured as much but everything I read only talks about using the pollen on other plants. So this is my Purple Afghan Kush female I treated with STS spray every 3rd day beginning on 11/8 with the last treatment done on the 23rd - so a total of 6 treatments. This is what I'm seeing...
  5. S

    Seeds from reversing

    Hi all. I want to try producing more seeds of a strain I have by reversing one of my females grown from feminized seeds. I will be using STS. I know I can collect pollen from this reversed female and pollinate other females with it. But my question is, will the plant I'm reversing also produce...