Recent content by StaySafe420

  1. StaySafe420

    Compact Fluorescent Lamps vs Fluorescent Tubes

    Hey, what's wrong with both. I used a combination, more light never hurt. T5 on top + CFL supplemental side lighting would def. make some dense buds top to bottom. ESP. with florescent lighting, because lumens dissipate earlier than more powerful HID lighting
  2. StaySafe420

    Blueberry Miracle slightly early harvest w/ pics!

    Nope, I let her grow untouched... She ate up the foxfarm nutes, plus using blue spectrum light will help keep the nodes at close interval which makes for a bushier plant. Thank you sir :hump: Good luck getting a fem. Keep me posted, it would be great to compare. I'll have some good bud shots...
  3. StaySafe420

    @ 7 weeks are they close?

    You could prob get away with flushing now... A good few of those are looking really close. GOOD JOB MATE!
  4. StaySafe420

    Potency and taste- final feed

    Alright.... Guess I'm gunna have to be the guy to say it.... :-| Pics or it didn't happen :-? Here on RIU, we believe the proof is in the pudding... Document your experiment, and then you'll have a leg to stand on. but don't expect any of us to go dumping juice in our plants... Personally...
  5. StaySafe420

    mini purple harvest... ready?

    If I were you, I'd top that bud off, and reVeg that plant... would be so pretty if it had some more veg time, and some nutes. But you wont even get a bowl off of that IMO
  6. StaySafe420

    how to uncompress it..

    Oh GOD! Please mein fuhrer, I'll do anything! Don't make me smoke anymore... Shit... I think I'm gunna..... :spew:
  7. StaySafe420

    Bubs first cfl grow(test run)

    I hope for a full smoke report! Good Luck!
  8. StaySafe420

    Bubs first cfl grow(test run)

    The name is "Y splitter", I got mine at home depot... Bubs, dont dont dont remove any fan leaves. The plant needs everyone it has, they are the power generator for the plant! When your plant is finishing flowering, it will suck all the sugars and Nitrogen from those big fan leaves and put them...
  9. StaySafe420

    Day 79 harvest today - wah u all think

    chop chop chop !!!!
  10. StaySafe420

    Blueberry Miracle slightly early harvest w/ pics!

    Buds are dense, but still wet... The reason I say 25-30g is I don't wanna get my hopes up too high. If I get more, it'll be a sweet surprise :blsmoke: I tried a sample a week ago. The smoke is smooth and fairly light, not harsh at all. The flavor is very authentic blueberry, sweet and...
  11. StaySafe420

    Bubs first cfl grow(test run)

    Plants look good. I would definitely wait until the plants get a bit bushier before flowering, and prepare to add some more red spectrum light when you go 12/12, those babies will eat it up. Good job on the nutes, I would keep the strength low for now (dont fix what aint broken) and raise it as...
  12. StaySafe420

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    The plant is using its sugars from the fan leaves to fatten up those buds, when they turn brown and wilt just tug them gently off. It's part of the natural finishing process... If you've got some amber trichs id go ahead and start the flush now, but without any pics it's hard to say for both...
  13. StaySafe420

    Blueberry Miracle slightly early harvest w/ pics!

    Back in august/september, a buddy of mine gave me 6 clones of his blueberry. Only one fully rooted, but I held on to two (the second bearing signs of hope). I harvested a terrible 1g off of the rooted clone, it did not thrive, much temp shock. About a month goes by, its now late Nov. and I...
  14. StaySafe420

    Lets play the guessing game

    Great lookin buds, nice and tight... Id hope for 2 and a half ounces
  15. StaySafe420

    about 2 weeks left (I think) Any guestimates on yield?

    83 from one plant! Good job BUDdy. Fantastic work :blsmoke: