Recent content by Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

  1. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    JBC Seeds

    Hey thanks man! I appreciate that
  2. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    Yeah, like, I hadn't made anything cool for like, months, and I was starting to get bummed out thinking maybe my making cool stuff days were over but then I blasted the MacGyver theme to get some inspiration and that's what happened. The monocular handheld seeing device: REally Close Visual...
  3. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    My Baker Street plant

    Oh wow! That's awesome! Yeah sure I'll post some pics very shortly. Honestly my best guess is that this were stress seeds. The places I found them, the bud pretty much died but it really wasnt all that much, just here and there . Im realizing now I have no pictures of right before I started...
  4. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    My Baker Street plant

    I got my little plant for free. The plant have me some seeds and I just smoked some that I cut off like last week and I got very high, mister.
  5. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    I came to my own conclusions and it's gonna be awesome! I just got knocked on my ass by the stuff I cut off last week. I'm harvesting all but a few branches cause I wanna get a bit of CBD. I made this thing to look at trichomes with, it's a piece off some old binoculars I had that were laying...
  6. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    Omg what's happened to me...I've started asking questions instead of fking around.... Thank you for that reminder. My gut is always right it's been telling me to do just that but I will also then remember the results!
  7. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    Oh okay! So for example, I saw a branch like this so I cut it. Is this what ready looks like?
  8. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    Yeah that's the thing actually, cause it seems like different branches are at different stages :S
  9. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    Ummmmmm Chin beards? Hair chin? Oh you're telling me to look at the hairs instead to judge
  10. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    Do these look about ready? Okay, I didn't get a jewelers loop, and I didn't get a happy little microscope but I did notice when I came home after being away for a couple days that the little white dots on the plant which some people like to call "trichomes" have become more see through or...
  11. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    My Baker Street plant

    Well okay :) I could use a little lifting up these days
  12. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    My Baker Street plant

    Well it's all legal stuff here now
  13. Spotnickdacat_spoty@best

    My Baker Street plant

    Ah, that makes sense. Got it from a cop. How is it gonna suck though, it's got a good TCH content