Recent content by Spliff Master

  1. S

    Free The Weed Petition.

    I fthey made it legal, Id have no reason to enjoy amsterdam anymore other than all the girls.
  2. S

    Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

    Ahaha, 100% legal in UK, you can buy that in garden centres, find it in a field, in peoples gardens, in the woods, whereever it grows everywhere :) Fuck them, Ive had 20x, it didnt do anything wrong at all, the 5 min trip was really cool, and everything goes funny. You dont get violent, dont...
  3. S

    Salvia Divinorum Extraction

    Well really its just because they make it 20 times stronger than the original leaf. There is salvia growing all over really, it doesnt require any looking after to grow, so you might think its a lot. But I think its expensive to make it stronger and you have to know what your doing which is why...
  4. S

    Whats this?

    hmm your right, but I was experimenting and it works, so I just wanted to know what it was. Besides thats non poisonous ivy that goes around my house. The stuff im onna bout isnt that.
  5. S

    Whats this?

    haha, id be dead by now if it was?
  6. S

    Whats this?

    Its not all of those mind, you can see clearly what it is on the first and third picture, its the kind of shiny plants. And its not the catepillar infested ones either.
  7. S

    Whats this?

    Alright here is an outdoor picture of the plant. Its quite big, and has no growing arrangement so its all over the place really.
  8. S

    Can I grow some?

    Ok, Im gonna go for it :) But which of these is the right one? Female Seeds - Feminised Easy Sativa (Outdoor) 10 Seeds: or this one Fantaseeds Traditional Green - Flash Back (Indoor / Outdoor) 10 Seeds: They both seem nice to me, I think the second one...
  9. S

    Can I grow some?

    thanks man that will really help. I have a good secluded space for them facing south. But, would it be alright to start sometime this month?
  10. S

    Whats this?

    Ok, i'll take one soon, and also yes its quite nice taste. Em, I cant describe it really but it doesnt make you want to cough your lungs up, and its quite strong.
  11. S

    Whats this?

    haha, you should. Im being serious when I say its nice :joint: The good thing is I have a shit load of it :)
  12. S

    Whats this?

    I have these plants in my backgarden which I have picked before, and smoke quite often. I have no idea what it is, I was just experimenting, but it left me with a great high, and I never need more the next time I do it to get the same previous high. So it must be something right? Anyway...
  13. S

    Can I grow some?

    Well for a start im 26 and have two kids (one reason), and the reason I cant grow it, is because I have a lot of visitors in my house. I cant grow it in my loft or anywhere, and the greenhouse is well visible. I have a shed to grow it in, but then again it cant be too big. Is that alright with you?
  14. S

    Can I grow some?

    Really? Wow cool. Id thought you'd need hot sticky conditions to grow it in or something, but guess not. Alright then, where would be the best place to plant what seeds?
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    You shud strip all the leaves and just leave the stems sticking out the ground lol, that would be funny.