Recent content by Spicy8305

  1. Spicy8305

    is there a way to replenish / reuse old soil?

    Wow this thread just blew my mind, I've never heard of trashing soil in my whole life. I've been growing all sorts of shit indoors and out for over 20 years. Blood meal, bone Meal, alaskan fish emulsion.... I've used it all and it works just fine, I also compost everything I can. I dont think...
  2. Spicy8305

    My cab and server.

    Welcome back! nothing ghetto about that bro, your plants seem to like the boxes just fine..... I once grew a plant in a cardboard box lined with tin foil and wrapped in duct tape. that was one fucked up ghetto grow.
  3. Spicy8305

    [Pics] Week 9 Flowering, when do I harvest?

    yeah thats no male, those buds look super fluffy and ready to chop down. Nice crop overall. Those are some crazy looking buds though, I dont think I've ever seen ones like that before -they do look lovely
  4. Spicy8305

    400w hps bubbalicious burmese kush

    I have been able to pull an oz per plant doing a 12/12 grow with a 1000watt hps. I am currently starting the flower phase of my first cab grow and I'm also using a 400watt hps (cooltube). I ended up with a few males so I put a few other seedlings in for the 12/12 period. Under the 1000 watt...
  5. Spicy8305

    Feeding time?

    I was just curious, I have been growing for a few years now but have never really established a good feeding schedule. I typically water my plants when I turn my lights on. sometimes I will spray the plants down lightly in the evening if they are looking dry, though the relative humidity inside...
  6. Spicy8305

    The Organic Medicine Cabinet

    those are okay prices but you can get a phillips led for the same price
  7. Spicy8305

    The Organic Medicine Cabinet

    I got a 42 watt 5000k from walmart for about $10
  8. Spicy8305

    Stealt pc growbox need help!!

    I'm not sure if walmart carries it, HD may be your best bet... I know they carry similar products like odo ban solid. I've only ever purchased it from Hydro shops or online. I like to use the ona block pro personally.
  9. Spicy8305

    Carbon filter problems

    I get my aquarium carbon from Walmart
  10. Spicy8305

    Mewk's Tiny PC Grow #2 / 69w CFL / Soil

    Your screen is filling nicely dude. Plants are looking lush
  11. Spicy8305

    Stealt pc growbox need help!!

    I am a huge fan of ona gel, I only use a tiny chunk of it and stick it in my exhaust line, it works great for me. I've never used the whole can- even with my big grows (12-18 plants it was too much) and left my grow room smelling like a public bathroom. this stuff is strong and just a dab'll...
  12. Spicy8305

    First Cab Grow/ Bagseed experiment

    the plants have perked up with a little extra water, I will update with some healthier pics this afternoon
  13. Spicy8305

    First Cab Grow/ Bagseed experiment

    I just did the final transplant of my big plant into a 5 gallon square bucket, she was a little wilty this morning, guess I didn't wet the soil enough last night. I ended up with another male... I've never had such bad luck with sprouting seeds, I had high hopes for my stupid little mutant...
  14. Spicy8305

    Mini fridge help

    I've had a few vdubs over the years myself, my wife and I are very fond of Squarebacks and Things lol, This guy was just spouting off nonsense.
  15. Spicy8305

    My Cabs.....LED-CFL-ORGANIC

    I dig the exhaust line, is that a computer fan?.... good idea