Recent content by Speciosa

  1. Speciosa

    leaves are curling and what stage sould plant be in

    Man thats the worst first post you can possibly make :-( you leave us with nothing to base our answers off of. As Rold said pictures will help tremendously. My initial guess is over watering. How often do you partake in this sacred ritual? The more information you leave us the better!
  2. Speciosa

    Switching over to Organic Nutrients from Synthetic Nutrients

    I'd definitely add some AACT to your fox farm soil! It can only help after that onslaught of synthetic nutrients. I mix my own soil mixture with different amendments, castings and perlite and honestly feel the plants can survive without any AACT. But my soil has a higher nutrient content then...
  3. Speciosa

    Love cultivating

    Growing is extremely spiritual, you watch the entire life process of the plant and cater to him/her in what ever needs they desire. You grow a connection to your plants and they intern do the same to you because your actions are interconnected. They rely on you just as much you do them...
  4. Speciosa

    tons of spam, where are the moderators?

    A moderator three minutes later. Love it. In the past two months i personally havent come across one spam thread. So seems like they are fulfilling their responsibilities :clap: Keep it up mods.
  5. Speciosa

    Is Chlorine the same as Chloride????

    Not all city water will be bad for your plants. Just need to check the annual reports from your city. I luckly live in a place were we have really clean water and i use nothing put tap water nowadays
  6. Speciosa

    Cannabis Inflorescence

    Was just written last week by American Herbal Pharmacopoeia for Washington State's cannabis industry and medical professionals alike. Has anyone read through the text and could give any input on the depth of its content? $50 is a hefty price, but it will be used as a major resource for...
  7. Speciosa

    What do people do when they have to stop medicating?

    ^ Its more about a matter of principle. Be smart and assertive with your actions and you'll see a positive outcome. I couldn't imagine taking the backseat all my life. Stand up for yourself. And next time, could you please add something constructive to the conversation . :wink: Unless its a...
  8. Speciosa

    Temps in grow room.

    As Prod was saying, theres so much you can do with that room! Just keep tuggin along, the more you put into it, the happier environment your children will have to play in. I can only imagine the faces of all those with stealth grow cabinets in their room, while they are renting a room from...
  9. Speciosa

    Temps in grow room.

    I think i'd definitely try to throw down a mat. Any colder and you risk slowing nutrient uptake. Another 5 degrees can only help. It also depends on your location. I dont know about you but its been getting cold here at night
  10. Speciosa

    How Many Nodes???

    If you aren't cramped on space i'd wait to flower until atleast 1.5 months. Patience is a virtue and you'll be paid off heavily with an increased yield. Give your plants the love they deserve, you'll be happy with the finished product :weed:
  11. Speciosa

    Switching over to Organic Nutrients from Synthetic Nutrients

    Since your early enough along, i'd transplant your plants into a 3 gallon minimum smart pot with some quality pre bagged soil (miracle grow is counter productive) and add an AACT to increase the microbe activity. Ideally you'd want to have a soil and amendment mixture already pre cooked for a...
  12. Speciosa

    6 days into flower I did this

    Was it about to touch the ceiling when you first switched it to flower? Should have topped and allowed it to recuperate before doing so. I've seen a lot more aggressive topping then that, but it was all done in the veg stage. Atleast it still has a week until it completely switches to flower. So...
  13. Speciosa

    Just a question about soil.

    I'd layer it to be safe the first time around. I put roughly 1/3 super soil to 2/3 mixture of all purpose potting soil with 20% being perlite and another 20% castings. My more nutrient heavy plants i used 1/2 super soil. I'd also make sure you put some unamended soil right on the bottom of the...
  14. Speciosa

    First Grow

    I feel like i've caught it relatively early on. So might as well try something before possibly scrapping it. Im going to look up a recipe to make a worm casting tea since i have all the supplies at my disposal. Im also going to mix up a gallon of warm water with 2 tablespoons of neem oil and...
  15. Speciosa

    First Grow

    Our 2013 water report states that "total chlorine residual" was detected at a minimum of <.1 parts per million and the maximum detected was 2.2 parts per million. There was no mention of any chloramine. I'll take a further look into neem oil, it seems like a proven method for getting rid of the...