Recent content by soulfly3377

  1. S

    Oaseeds. Good or bad???

    WHY YOU DONT TRY HERBIESEEDS??? i tried them over 10 times!!! always excellent service,shipping everything!!! you can chat with them as they are online-normal working hours...try and you won`t regret it!!!!
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    Alcohol Spray Ruined Plant

    plants dont need so much those leaves indoors than outdoors as indoors you should feed them properly so they should have everything they need!!!! plus it cost lots of energy plants if they are trying to fix those sick leaves so if you feed them properly cut them off -well i would
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    Alcohol Spray Ruined Plant

    dont ever leave "sick" leaves on the plant!!!
  4. S

    small buds!!!!!!!!!!!

    guys my buds are in 6 week of flower and they are very small -everything was good-humidity,ph,temp,co2 everything but they just wont grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!any ideas? im using 600w hps soil 100l pots-4 plant 2 are great and 2 are fucked!!!!! why??? it just killing me all 4 plants had same conditions...
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    HELP!! 1 week from planned chop. What to do

    it could be that big temp different and could stress them up ...or it looks like big heat is killing them anyway i would cut them and dry them asap