Recent content by Sonnybeezer

  1. Sonnybeezer

    Malawi - Landrace Sativa 130+ days flower

    Thanks man! So far, I would definitely recommend growing the Bhutan..... it's a very healthy and vigorous plant that is really unique. Compared to the Mozambique Poisons it's much less stretchy..... And genetically the Bhutan originates from a mountainous area, so that makes sense but what's...
  2. Sonnybeezer

    PICS Purple PPP 32 days flower have a problem/ question

    let me preface this by saying, I know this a very old thread..... now having said that, there is no way those are 1 1/2 gallon containers, the one in the front is a standard 5 gallon bucket you can buy in any hardware store. Sorry, just randomly stumbled on this when I was trying to find out if...
  3. Sonnybeezer

    Left light on for last 24 hours, 3 weeks into flowering

    Hahah...... totally agree. And also, I know this thread is an old thread, but leaving your lights on accidentally for a period that short isn't gonna do much.... people around here get so angry replying to some of these questions. Cheers!
  4. Sonnybeezer

    Malawi - Landrace Sativa 130+ days flower

    Yea, gotta love pure sativas! I'll post a few pics of the landrace strains from Holy Smoke Seeds. I have (2) Mozambique Poison and (1) Bhutanese Thimphu. They've been outside for 19 days and were started indoors 27 days ago. I germed them late because I didn't want them getting extremely tall...
  5. Sonnybeezer

    Malawi - Landrace Sativa 130+ days flower

    Trying out a couple landraces this summer..... I'll keep everyone posted. In my opinion, genuine landrace strains are the best strains out there- they've been inbred for decades, so the genetics are very stable and there are usually only a couple of phenotypes within the strain...... Makes me...
  6. Sonnybeezer

    First Time Closet Growing

    Although I agree that it's a good idea to start with bag seeds until you develop your green thumb, there are some decently priced seeds out there and there actually isn't much risk to mail ordering. But anyway, I prefer organic.... no flushing or stressing too much about the ph....... just watch...