Recent content by soccerdad420

  1. soccerdad420

    I need to pass a drug test,urinal...

    Hi I passed a piss test with dillution, and new fat intake. The body pisses out new fat before stored fat, so chomp down a bunch of cheese burgers a couple of hours before testing along with cranbery flushing (pectin) and all will be good.
  2. soccerdad420

    someone in my yard

    kungfu monkey will smoke less
  3. soccerdad420

    Ready to harvest??

    thats a bud eating spider, known to eat hole crops just as the are ready to harvest :mrgreen:
  4. soccerdad420

    bud i find them

    :cry: here's my morning harvest of catepillar damage, plus 22 dead bastards :mrgreen: plus a little finger hash :blsmoke:
  5. soccerdad420

    Its Fucking Gone

    :cry: I feel for you brother better move the other before they come for that too. RIPPING IS WRONG :evil::evil::evil:
  6. soccerdad420

    pollinated plants

    I have aquuestion how long after pollination will the buds have seeds?
  7. soccerdad420

    bud i find them

    the catapillars have been chewing alot buds off this one smaller plant 2 diffrent kinds the standard bright green ones that are also raveging my tomatoes, and a smaller mostly brown one that likes to burrow into the stem and kills the hole bud above the eatten zone. I have been cutting or...
  8. soccerdad420

    bud i find them

    thanxs for the info I have been using a safe soap but not one targetted towards catapeliars the homedepot where i am doesn't carry it . how close to harvest do useit
  9. soccerdad420

    i lost my wife again.....

    we're not worthy, your girls are trully spectaccular! that has got to be a full time job managing all those girls . like the may pole perfect way to deal with all that wieght at the end of a branch I'll rephrase i'm not worthy
  10. soccerdad420

    bud i find them

    aah we have a wee boonie lass in our mitz, or is that the wrong island
  11. soccerdad420

    how does every body deall with rain this far along in the bud stage

    mine is a much smaller crop so its not to dificult to pamper her wiht her private tent. off sbject from another thread what is the bug repellent "bt"
  12. soccerdad420

    Update On My Grow

    ver nice girls you got there about how much longer you going to wait till harvest? and whats your guess on quantity per plant ? the reason i ask is mine is about that size and i am just wondering
  13. soccerdad420

    how does every body deall with rain this far along in the bud stage

    i took the plastic off yesturday, it was more for the ectra wieght of buds saturated with rain would snap the branches . the bad mildew problem is on a diffrent plant, but looking at soom pics and further search ing on her revealed a diffrent kind of wormy. all brown. sdoesn't leave black poop...
  14. soccerdad420

    bud i find them

    that thing would put bigger holes in her buds than the worms
  15. soccerdad420

    bud i find them

    is it organic? how close to harvest can you use it. thanxs for the info :mrgreen: