Recent content by Smotz

  1. S

    Easiest Tek for Quantities of Mushrooms

    I gotta agree with skye about the PF Cakes being a waste of time for anything other than a personal grow. I'm doing a Dozen run of PF cakes right now, and even in the optimal, damn near perfect conditions that I have them fruiting in, they are averaging about 6-7g's dry a cake per flush. Which...
  2. S

    My 2C-I extravaganza

    lol, sounds like things may have taken a wrong turn at some point there during that trip. Was everyone ok afterward? I've blacked out during a hard Mescaline trip before, and when I finally woke back up a few hours later into reality somewhat (this was at 3am), my front door was standing wide...
  3. S

    My plant is still flowering, even tho it has lost half its leaves and branches! :O

    Mine get fed alot of Metal, and I can tell they love it. From my own experiments, they seem to respond positively to anything with alot of heavy hard hitting bass in it.
  4. S

    Easiest Tek for Quantities of Mushrooms

    I've gotten pretty tired of collecting and dealing with horse shit myself, so I've recently switched to Coco Coir & Verm for my substrate. I use white popcorn for my spawn, which colonizes very rapidly. Running 8 monotubs setup to be fully automated. Wouldn't be too smart of me to say a number...
  5. S

    how safe is LSD and / or Shrooms, which one should i try?

    Religion doesn't make people turn into insane murderers while on psychedelics. Having an unstable/psychotic mind, and then ingesting a hallucinogen however can very well do just that. I'd imagine that most MMA fighters are slightly psychotic, or they wouldn't have chosen that line of work in...
  6. S

    what would you do

    I would just confront the guy face to face, and tell him whats up. A reasonable and sane person, would agree that speeding down a residential road is dangerous for everyone that lives there. If that didn't work, and he still remained an oblivious douchebag, then I would pay a mexican to come and...
  7. S

    goin crazy in north carolina!

    It's against the sites rules to post prices, they would probably ban me if I do. Just think low as possible. Main thing to remember is to let the dealer in question know beforehand that you know whats up, and never give them your money without seeing the product first, and you'll be fine. You...
  8. S

    High from the south usa

    Sup bro, welcome from NC. Trippin' stoned on some Afgan Kush here. :peace: & :leaf: to ya.
  9. S

    Would like to grow shrooms. All the Info you will ever need on the subject.
  10. S

    goin crazy in north carolina!

    You should have no problem finding regular Brick Schwag just about anywhere in this state. NC is flush with it at all times thanks to all the mexicans that live here. However to find the Top-Quality dank, which is here in some places, you will need to know a good hookup. If your really...
  11. S

    Hello from good old North Carolina

    Welcome! I'm in NC as well. Enjoi your stay here. :peace: :leaf:
  12. S

    goin crazy in north carolina!

    Welcome. I'm in NC as well. I know how you probibly feel having to go without. I would help you out, but I'm far too paranoid to deal with anyone that I don't know. :peace:
  13. S

    How much shrooms should I take first time?

    I'd say go for 3.5-4g's if you really wanna trip. 2g's never really does much for me beyond a good buzz, but then again I am 6'2 220lbs, which is probably why I need larger doses.
  14. S

    want to do acid, what should I expect?

    Checkout Pink Floyds The Wall once you get gone, amazing animated visuals in that movie. Also Heavy Metal the movie, is amazing with its animated visuals. Pretty much anything animated is good for tripping, you can't really go wrong. I usually just put the TV on the cartoon channel, and leave...
  15. S

    PE and DMT!

    Just go on ebay and pick a vendor. I did, and my pull off of just 100g's of powdered was amazing. Enough for several people to take the journey a few times.