Recent content by smokintreez

  1. smokintreez

    Can the plants survive 50 degree weather?

    that temperature is too cold. they may not die from it but, they wont be happy plants
  2. smokintreez

    Lets play the guessing game

    67 grams is my guess
  3. smokintreez

    inhalant qs

    hopefully he can stop them and have no reason to explain to anyone what a tank or empty cans are doing around the house. I was just sharing my past experience and stating that nitrous is less dangerous than MOST inhalants. I didnt know the details of his age and living arrangements. I think...
  4. smokintreez

    inhalant qs

    I also havent done any inhalants since 2003 and wouldnt touch them anymore....... there is nothing good that will come from me.
  5. smokintreez

    inhalant qs

    tell him to do pharmaceutical nitrous oxide if he must do inhalants at all. i was getting 50 lb. tanks filled for a few years from a crooked dentist and selling/huffing balloons non-stop at shows. i was "phishing out" and doing "face plants" almost daily. It will fry your brain temporarily...
  6. smokintreez

    what kind of scope does everyone have ???

    I have a kaleidoscope. I used it to view a comet
  7. smokintreez

    Need tips/help finding right nutrients

    grow big and tiger bloom
  8. smokintreez

    Papaya Single Plant Harvest

    I have papaya vegging now. I hope mine doesnt take 11 weeks to finsh becuz i run SOG style
  9. smokintreez

    Best Fake Story for Grow Box?

    tell him its where u store your ex wives
  10. smokintreez

    indoor tent 1000w white diesel

    looks great!!
  11. smokintreez

    26 days flower - opinion needed

    looks pretty good for 26 days in flower
  12. smokintreez

    which do clones root faster in hydro or soil?

    you can do it very cheap and effectively with soil in cups.
  13. smokintreez

    how many watts until the hydro comp calls the cops??

    the power company wont call the cops on u. the MOST they would do is send a tech from the company to your door to ask questions and check your meter to see what the problem could be. Of course if he notices something suspicious, he will notify the police but, simply tell them that you have a new...
  14. smokintreez

    Ever Black Out Stoned?

    i have a few times.... usually it was when my body was "run down" from excessive partying 4 a few days straight. one time I had been drinking and smoking with very little sleep for a few days and went to lacrosse practice, I just fell out in the middle of our pre-practice smoke session. from...
  15. smokintreez

    Is CO2 heavier than air

    sink because it is slightly denser but, with the air movement in growrooms the gasses are mixed