Recent content by Smokinggun

  1. S

    Neptune Seed Bank

    Was curious, did you hear back from Neptune?
  2. S

    Looking for the skunkiest roadkill smelling strain...

    Back around 1999 one night we had three dogs all get sprayed point blank in the face by a cornered skunk here at home. They all ran into the house before my mother in law knew what was happening. She came running down the hall towards our bedroom screaming the dogs attacked something. I’m not...
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  4. S

    Neptune Seed Bank

    Could you tell if the package had been opened before it was delivered to you?
  5. S

    Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

    Bullshit. I appreciate his point of view.
  6. S

    Neptune Seed Bank

    I sent you a private message.
  7. S

    Did a Trump supporter put a live bullet in Alec Baldwins gun?

    I think that maybe someone should be asking “Was the girl who was killed by Alec Baldwin a Trump supporter?”
  8. S


    Guns don’t kill people, Alec Baldwin does.
  9. S

    This forum is dead

    I found a dried up dead mouse in a brick of Jamaican one time.
  10. S

    VAX or FIRED

    How’s that imaginary pretend ignore button working for you Roger?
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    VAX or FIRED

    A person with such strong opinions who puts anyone who disagrees on ignore. Way to defend your stance Roger.
  12. S

    VAX or FIRED

    What if the so called vaccines are causing the covid virus to hang around instead of fade away like the Spanish Flu did?
  13. S

    Any idea of what this is in my bud?

    If you zoom in on that second pic, it looks like a bug or two with hairs and legs.
  14. S

    leave a song for the day

  15. S

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    One more time...There's at least twelve people in Wisconsin who would disagree with you.