Recent content by Smokey.Mc.Pot

  1. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    NIMBIN MARDI GRASS cannabis law reform 2010!!!!!!!!!!! 1st 2nd may

    whos goin this year =] For those who came in late... "In March 1993, after a decade of raids and arrests, and a particularly intensive recent period of random street searches, arrests and rough treatment, a spontaneous...
  2. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    NIMBIN MARDI GRASS cannabis law reform 2010!!!!!!!!!!! 1st 2nd may

    whos goin this year =] For those who came in late... "In March 1993, after a decade of raids and arrests, and a particularly intensive recent period of random street searches, arrests and rough treatment, a spontaneous...
  3. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    what would happen

  4. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    what would happen

    if i put my 2 month old plant in darkness for a day or two? would make it flower faster then just putting it into 12/12?
  5. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    harvesting after rain? bad idea?

    hahaha my fukn plant got ripped out! haha its all good now i have a big bag of weed!
  6. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    harvesting after rain? bad idea?

    its been raining here for about 2 weeks on and off with maybe an hours sun a day then the rest cloud. is harvesting after it has been raining bad, like does it wash off the good shit ;] ?
  7. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    harvesting after rain? bad idea?

    its been rainging here for about 2 weeks on and off with maybe an hours sun a day then the rest cloud. is harvesting after it has been raining bad, like does it wash off the good shit ;] ?
  8. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    yea like... bees.. nesting.. near my plant, in the wall of my house....

    i dont think those holes r sposed to be filled tho lol. i think the bees r gone, or maybe they just come during the day, cos its 5.20 pm n there not there right now. so maybe ther not nesting, maybe there just like partying in my wall
  9. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    yea like... bees.. nesting.. near my plant, in the wall of my house....

    yea, ive had this plant in my backyard for a while now, i bent it over so it wouldnt be so high, lst. this is my first plant ive ever grown, i think it looks great. but this arvo i walk out there n theres fucken bees everywhere, these are aussie bees, just ordinary 1's n there like crawlin into...
  10. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    Leaves turning in and plants growning slow:: Check pics!

    by the looks of it u dont even have a fan in there to swap air and get the heat out
  11. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    plucking the things in the nodes???

    nah soz, i mean on the stem the off shoots grow off, and they sorta grow like stems themselves growing more shoots off themselves, and he picks them i think?
  12. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    plucking the things in the nodes???

    yea they grow off the main stem and then they themselves grow new shoots (am i right, cos thats wat my plant looks like, and he said he plucks them)
  13. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    plucking the things in the nodes???

    my mate came over and told me his dad plucks the things in the nodes of the off shoots. this is my first plant, its about 4 feet tall but ive tied it down so the shoots grow up. whats my mate on about and what does it do??
  14. Smokey.Mc.Pot

    After you sex your plants..Do males grow any bud???

    no buds u douche, but people use them for butter n shit