Recent content by Smokeringz

  1. Smokeringz

    Easy Individual scrog modules

    Yea this is just pretraining, it's my attempt to control the extra stretch that usually accompanies a grow from seed. Once you toss the males out, just add to or overlay more wire over the entire grow area and guide new growth into the new screen. This also gives me the option to transplant one...
  2. Smokeringz

    Easy Individual scrog modules

    haha..thanks for the clarification. This wire was perfect.
  3. Smokeringz

    Easy Individual scrog modules

    step1....cut chicken wire or whatever stiff wire you want to use in this configuration with cutting pliers, cuts easily. step 2....bend the top over like so.. step 3...slide the wire down in this fashion and bend the outer most pieces in and stab through pot for stability. Notice...
  4. Smokeringz

    ICE Plant (PiCS)

    yo man, I have grown ice before, about 5 years ago. you will not be disappointed, it was extremely potent and great taste. People still rave about it to this day. Was so good I never even dropped the high dollar seeds :)
  5. Smokeringz

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    Tanuvan, sorry for the misread. Lastfrontier, I think it's a cool hood and results speak for themselves. You don't strike me as a dumb ass and I am not trying to be overcritical of your setup. Good luck with your grows and like others here would like to see some pictures of your harvest. If you...
  6. Smokeringz

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    Lastfrontier... I am basically saying that adding cfls increases yield, sorry you cant understand the analogy, but that is the best I can do. I just don't see a situation where I would use quite as many cfls as you, but if you like it then who cares what others say. I have a degree in...
  7. Smokeringz

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    From what I have witnessed growing with different setups,both cfl and hps, is that adding more cfl lights will add more light spread, but not intensity as mentioned before. Unless you are customizing these cfls adding more of them in scrog will naturally position the added bulbs more toward the...
  8. Smokeringz

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    Am I correct to say that Intensity is proportional to how far a given bulb or bulb type will penetrate, relevant mostly during flowering? CFL will only penetrate the correct intensity approx 3 inches into foliage thus only giving the top 3 " of the plants the correct intensity needed for dense...