Recent content by smileb0b

  1. smileb0b

    Cant get my Bong fully cleaned!!!!

    Acetone is a nasty chemical, stop using it. Here is what I do. I get some 90% Iso and some sea salt. I pour the salt in the piece, then the Iso. I shake the shit out of it until it is pretty much clean. Then I mix some warm/hot water and OxyClean and pour that in and shake that. Then I just...
  2. smileb0b

    Question about setting up my medical history for a card

    Yes and no. The pain is still there, but the sharpness of the pain goes away. Being it was my first visit in years I didn't talk about cannabis, I just gave them the facts as to how I did it, when I did it and the pain.
  3. smileb0b

    Epidemic of Overly Stoned Old People in America

    Right! That's why I would love to give her weed, let her get high all day like she wants and get off her pills.
  4. smileb0b

    Epidemic of Overly Stoned Old People in America

    The thing is, my grandma has no pain and admits that to us and lies to her doctors. She likes the high she gets from the pills and doesn't want to come down.
  5. smileb0b

    Question about setting up my medical history for a card

    Yea, I told them the truth. The doc even does the same style martial arts I used to so he knows what we do to ourselves. I am just wondering if I am going to have to stretch this out more or if him telling me do PT was the end of the road.
  6. smileb0b

    Question about setting up my medical history for a card

    Well none of this is faked for one. With Oregon from what I understand, Your records can't be older than 3 years, Cannabis is looked at as an alternative form of medication, so you need to have a history of taking meds if you are using the pain route. Since my injury is a "Sports Injury" they...
  7. smileb0b

    Question about setting up my medical history for a card

    I agree with the PT, I should have done it when I got hurt but I didn't have insurance then, and I had the attitude of just walk it off and ignore it. I have already set up my appointment
  8. smileb0b

    Epidemic of Overly Stoned Old People in America

    Normally I ignore you. You are on to something with this though. My grandma is addicted to pain meds, she has 5 different doctors handing her pain pills. She is like Dr.House, she eats them like they are TicTacs and if you try and take them she throws fits until someone caves.(usually my...
  9. smileb0b

    Question about setting up my medical history for a card

    So I am trying to get my Oregon Medical card, I went to a Doc in the box today to set up a history(I have not been to the doctor in 10 years) About 10 years ago I hurt my back pretty bad while I was still involved with martial arts, I never went to the doc and just let it go. Ever since then I...
  10. smileb0b

    Do you know any surprising facts/events/mysteries that will blow our minds?

    Saw this on a friend's Facebook. It blew my mind
  11. smileb0b

    Cops May Have Lied About Justin Bieber Drag Racing, GPS Records Emerge

    For once I agree with this tactic. They can lie all they want about this situation. Shit, I was there, I saw him racing. He was even throwing eggs at stuff while he was driving. He won, then he pulled out a joint the size of a tampon(thank you Archer) lit it and said F@ck the police. :)
  12. smileb0b

    why would my ex not wanna kick it?

    Sounds like some bullshit drama. She obviously didn't trust you to begin with, why else would she have her friend hit on you? As for that, well that shows you don't need to waste your time with her. Find a woman who doesn't want to play games, stop playing games yourself and you will be fine. I...
  13. smileb0b

    Saying 'Sorry'

    I don't like sorry as a response. Sorry is just an excuse. In my opinion, people only say sorry when they KNOWINGLY fucked up. Say they come to RIU and start being a tool, they cause arguments, post stupid crap that turns into a fight, or they are not following policy at work, or they are just...
  14. smileb0b

    Psa buyer beware!!

    You ordered something the day after christmas what do you expect? The mail system is screwed right now. Before Christmas I ordered a car part and got the regular ground shipping, got it 2 days later. I had it before I got the shipping confirmation email. Ordered my wife's Bday gift the day after...
  15. smileb0b

    Justin Beiber and Usher

    You should be banned for bringing up those two in the same topic **I realize that wasn't to clear. I am not speaking about Usher