Recent content by slr83

  1. slr83

    Lets go CARDS!!!

    A sweep??? ..mmm I don't think so... But u can keep hoping, your a fan, your aloud to do that... Good game last night.. will see what happens today... No injured center field for the
  2. slr83

    62% humidipaks

    I just order 20 of them, the 8gs bags. I'm gonna give them a try, my humidity is 30-40% indoor.. I keep the temperature 70-80. My nuggets feel to dry, but when I squeeze they feel a bit soft.. I been curing in mason jars for two weeks... So I will give them a try, all let u guys know how it go's...
  3. slr83

    vacuum seal bags???

    I will take sum pics when I open tonight and sum of the mason jars too so u guys can see the difference ...
  4. slr83

    vacuum seal bags???

    I'm gonna try it... Have a few ladys this year, so I can try sum different things.
  5. slr83

    vacuum seal bags???

    That sounds like a good idea... Thanks u much...
  6. slr83

    vacuum seal bags???

    Before I put them in the bags the nuggets where loose, after I seal and the open after a day, now there nice and tight but not compress... After I open the bag seems like after a few mins they poof up a little bit.. what do u think???
  7. slr83

    vacuum seal bags???

    How do I due that???
  8. slr83

    vacuum seal bags???

    I put sum 7-10days of dry trimmed flowers to try it out... I open ones a day for 15 mins then I seal again.. my question is will there be any damage to the flowers?? With I lose anything... Let me know was up YALL.. I'm trying different ways of curing to perfect my hard
  9. slr83

    vacuum seal bags???

    Hey YALL I was wondering if anybody used vacuum seal bags for curing ? ?? I'm curing in mason jar so far... let me know if anybody has any experience with them ...
  10. slr83

    help asap!!!

    Can any body tell me what is on my ladys... I notice my floor in my flower room is sticky .. please help me identify this, thank u much..hope to hear from you professionals..
  11. slr83

    Earth Juice Oily Cann???

    I'm gonna feed her one more time with oily cann and sum tiger bloom and cha chin... Then start to flush in a couple of days...maybe the bugs get more fat
  12. slr83

    rain in cali....

    I when out there early this am to shake them a Lil... I appreciate the tips, the more knowledge the better...
  13. slr83

    rain in cali....

    I'm just gonna wait and let them get a Lil more fat. Thanks I will wait, a Lil more waiting won't
  14. slr83

    rain in cali....

    So last night we got a Lil bit of rain in socal, the problem is I was hoping on harvesting sunday morning, but now my buds are wet, what should I do my friends???? Give them another week???
  15. slr83

    Earth Juice Oily Cann???

    I see.. I used it like 3 or4 times this year but forgot I had it till I saw yesterday, so I was wondering if I feed now close to harvest would it make a difference ...