Recent content by SLHgrow

  1. SLHgrow

    Kitty's 6000 Watt Ebb & Flo, pictures galore, continually updated never ending oh no!

    great grow you have going. i have been lurking in the background watching. i just thought of it though while i was flipping through pics. are you running any fans? i didn't see any and was just wondering.
  2. SLHgrow

    Buds dried too fast! They look like poo! Any Help?!

    i think you are okay. trim them down, jar them up. if your stems are still bending then you most likely have enough moisture on the inside of the bud. jar them and check them in a day is what i would do.
  3. SLHgrow


    thanks guys. i think a mix of the hydrogen peroxide for the larvae and a hotspot strip will do the trick.
  4. SLHgrow


    hey thanks man. its a good idea
  5. SLHgrow


    what would a person do for a gnat infestation. they don't seem to be bothering the plants but i would really like them gone. any help?
  6. SLHgrow

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    i just put my babies in buckets :) everything is going great
  7. SLHgrow

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    one more thing, where did you get your nutes?
  8. SLHgrow

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    i just got two sprouts today! SLH is underway. i am glad you have this thread man. i will keep you posted. i'm not sure i'll throw up a journal but i will definitely take some pics here and there for ya. thanks chip!
  9. SLHgrow

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    so how many days was this whole grow? from seedling to cutting
  10. SLHgrow

    Seed Shipment ETA

    so i ordered 10 SLH feminized a little over a week ago from the UK. anyone have a guesstimate on how long i should give? i was thinking another week or so to be sure. the company i used said they would ship a replacement free of charge if they didn't get through.