Recent content by Ski Mask Way

  1. Ski Mask Way

    GeekBeast Plus and MonsterBoard 720

    What was your final yield per plant on this one?
  2. Ski Mask Way

    will male pre flowers release pollen in veg?

    I figured I revive an old thread to show that I at least attempted to find my answer before asking the question. Here are the facts a series of unfortunate events led me to veg 5 plants in rockwool for 5+ months in a basement. the basement was not controlled for temps, the humidity was worst...
  3. Ski Mask Way

    my 3 stages of flower

    Hey SuperStoner I dont know if its appropriate to ask in this thread or not. But the collars that you used to make is there a link where I can buy them online? or maybe an updated email address to send payment for them?
  4. Ski Mask Way

    HELP!!! I've Read ALL I Can and Im Lost! My Plant is Dying (Or May be Dead)

    Thanks a lot!!!! I am going to get some Hygrozyme tomorrow.
  5. Ski Mask Way

    HELP!!! I've Read ALL I Can and Im Lost! My Plant is Dying (Or May be Dead)

    I do have mites on all the plants, but they're under control (fingers crossed), I used AzaMax 7 days ago. But I sprayed all the plants with it and did not have any problems with the rest of them. Yeah they are clones, supposedly they are all the same strain, i got them as a "starter newbie"...
  6. Ski Mask Way

    HELP!!! I've Read ALL I Can and Im Lost! My Plant is Dying (Or May be Dead)

    Setup: 12 Plants in Rockwool, placed in flood and drain buckets with hyrdroton covering the base of the plants and the rockwool. Plants are about 24-28" tall. Problem: Plants put into flowering on October 12th, watered once a day, water fills up to the hydroton level and then drains Problem...
  7. Ski Mask Way

    Best Container For Ebb & Flow?

    I have a question. If i have 4" Rockwool Cubes can i place them in a tray with NO OTHER MEDIUM, and have 3 - 3.5 foot plants grow out of them with no problems? This is similiar to what Dadio161 does with 6" Rockwool cubes. I have seen Dadio161 place his 4" cubed Rockwool onto 6" cubed Rockwool...
  8. Ski Mask Way

    Dadio's Current Happenings

    Make that 2 of US hxvoc, I hope you're still out there dadio because we need more!!!
  9. Ski Mask Way

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    SS walks the walk! SS is the reason I believe in humanity, decency and basic human compassion. I plan on doing great altruistic acts once i become more stable in my life and SS is my inspiration.
  10. Ski Mask Way

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    A series of unfortunate events my dear friend. But in the end, life throws us obstacles to see how bad we really want it. I let the obstacles slow me down, but i am still on the path. But I will have a grow soon......
  11. Ski Mask Way

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey SS i've benthining about this for a while....but why don't you start you own forum/site. I know that you don't want to sell anything....but i think with your Three Rail System, Your Double Veg with a single Reservoir, your nute schedule....all of that stuff is StinkBud 2.0 and people should...
  12. Ski Mask Way

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Being the paranoid Newbie I am i copied some things onto a word document afraid that the site would be taking down but I do remember saving someting about a nute schedule here is what i have. the night before moving to flower i drain res and add fresh water with 150ml clearex and run for 24...
  13. Ski Mask Way

    my 3 stages of flower

    Super You're awesome ma...i'll be asking a lot of questions...because i will be setting up something similiar
  14. Ski Mask Way

    Quick advice on layout of two XXXL reflectors 1000w each over 6x6 area

    Well as far as efficiency goes, inline would be the best way. Less strain & with no bends in your ducting heat can be more efficiently removed from three lights
  15. Ski Mask Way

    Drain n Fill Vs. Aeroponics. Pics Included.

    Looks like the stinkbud method is being used for that aero pic. Nice! I can tell you that aero is like a jet & every thing else is like a single engined training plane. & soil is like riding a mule.