Recent content by shubhamkasera

  1. S

    White mucus like substance in my NFT Hydroponic System

    Hi, So I've changed the water and working with GH Flora nova nutes. But I'm not getting good root growth. There are barely any roots and my plants are not growing. There is no white mucus substance anymore. You can say I'm still struggling.
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    Beneficial bacteria in Nft setup

    Hello, For a while I've been thinking of working with beneficial bacteria in my Nft setup instead of H2o2. I've ordered a small bottle of great white for now. My question is 1. Has anyone tried great white in a nft setup? 2. My water moves 24X7 and will this affect the bacterial life? My...
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    White mucus like substance in my NFT Hydroponic System

    I just checked my Ph meter was not accurate. I got Ph strips which tells me that my water has Ph of 6 whereas the pH meter tells me it's 7.4 Im starting again this time without adding H2o2 and going with the pH the strips tells me. Keeping fingers crossed. I also have put a collar on every net...
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    White mucus like substance in my NFT Hydroponic System

    Hi, my water source is packaged drinking water. The ppm of it is 30 I am using food grade plastic container as my resevoir. Also I have two more systems which is the same in other places which are doing well. So I doubt that's the issue
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    White mucus like substance in my NFT Hydroponic System

    That sounds disheartening. I'm trying and trying. Today is the 4th time cleaning. Let's hope this thing goes. I'm thinking of not adding h2o2 and add beneficial bacteria instead.
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    White mucus like substance in my NFT Hydroponic System

    That's exactly what is happening with me. It just come back after cleaning with bleach, h2o2, soap, etc. I have been trying to fight this for a while now. I even scrapped my old system and built a new one from scratch, but the snot still came back. I'm trying to see if beneficial bacteria might...
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    White mucus like substance in my NFT Hydroponic System

    Yes I run an air pump 24 X 7 which is in the resevoir. I do not have an air filter in the room
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    White mucus like substance in my NFT Hydroponic System

    Hello, I'm a newbie here. I earlier had success in growing greens using my hydroponic system. Since a few months, I've not been able to grow anything, thanks to the white mucus like substance which build up at the bottom of the net cups, and covers the roots. After discussing it with other...