Recent content by Shorty

  1. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    What up folks...Sorry been gone for a while....So I had my girl look after my Girls while I was gone and she did an alright job for not knowing shit about it....The Amnesia is pretty as hell while the Ak is a tall skinny ugly Bish....I will have a day count for u guys next time...Just wanted to...
  2. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    What the business is RIU....Girls are looking awesome....The Amnesia is really bushy now since I have been training her...Ak 48 was just topped today....I guesss I'm gonna let these girls veg till about the last week of Dec maybe even wait till the 1st to go dark for 48hrs before starting the...
  3. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    What up RIU Girls are doing good, growing like crazy....Washed tubs today and added 1/2 strength ferts...Gonna give them a couple more weeks and take a couple of clones from each one set will be for mothers the others will go into veg then onto flower mode...So I lst'd the Amnesia...
  4. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Girls are on day 13 from seed...It's been 6 days since I moved them from the Ag to the DWC buckets......I need to take a look at the roots which I will do 2morrow when I put fresh Distilled water.....
  5. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Hope Everybody had a good Thanksgiving!!!!!! So I setup the CO2 bottles for the girls......The girls are looking better and better everyday...The Ak looks a lil darker than the Amnesia, but they both are pretty as hell....Not much else to report at this time...Heres some Pics for ya.....Holla
  6. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    What up Og,,,Shit I didnt know I could...Guess I will if I can...Probably get some freebies.....
  7. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Damn that sux, but it's only for a lil while u will be back on it......Thanx for stopping by......
  8. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Yea I know but I'm here now...Thanx for stopping by Kinfolk.....
  9. Shorty

    Started Flowering Today. They are 28 Days from Seed! Getting Pumped!

    Frosty ass nugs Letitgrow...Cant wait to here the smoke report...Got another grow going come check me out......
  10. Shorty

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    What up Kinfolk. Girls looking good as usual....Come Holla at me got another one going!!!!!!!!!
  11. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    So I got the Amnesia and Ak-48 transplanted into their new homes....I'm gonna let the bagseed go a lil more before going into the Hempy buckets....Only thing I havent setup is the CO2...Im going with 2ltr bottles...Each one will have their own bottle for maximum CO2....Can't wait for these girls...
  12. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Alright great news and not so good news....The Amnesia and AK-48 are growing great with roots coming out everywhere....Im going to add some veg nutes and let them go another week or 2 before I transplant them to the Dwc Buckets....THe bagseed are doing great as well...One of them is like Shaq (...
  13. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Went in the room 2day and low and behold The Ak-48 and Amnesia have popped up and have a couple of roots as well....The Church hasnt popped her head out yet, maybe she's shy......Well here is a couple of pics...I know I know this is the boring part, but it will get better soon......Holla at...
  14. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Ok beans showed their tails...So I transplanted the Tude beans to the Ag.....Bagseed Beans I put in Pelets.....Added the starter nutes that come along with the Ag...I've always started my seeds that way with no problems.....Should have their first leaves in 3-5 days hopefully sooner....Will have...
  15. Shorty

    AK-48, The Church, Amnesia Haze and Bag Seed 3rd Grow

    Thanx for stopping in Moler...will do!!!!!!!!!!!