Recent content by shortlove927

  1. shortlove927

    Just Cats

    Kitties are the best!!!!!!!
  2. shortlove927

    Need relationship advice dealing with a mean controlling woman

    You’ve stuck around this long?? Ima woman, we are hard to live with and we are all bitches in some way! But this is not how a relationship should be, you my friend should close this book. Find happiness within yourself first and find yourself again then maybe you can let another woman in your life.
  3. shortlove927

    How marijuana has helped you to recover from your illness?

    hello, I have a similar thread and I would love to be apart of this one! I can honestly say marijuana SAVED my life and continues to do so. I suffer with severe bipolar depression, anxiety and physical pain. I was born with a rare disability and as I’ve gotten older so has my body and I really...
  4. shortlove927

    Cannabis School

    This operation will not be ran by just myself, my boyfriend will be on the growing side and I’m more focused on the business side. Like I said I don’t expect this to happen overnight, I am willing and wanting to get this done :) with any advice and help and leads I can get!
  5. shortlove927

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Where do you live to keep changing phone plans? Wow! Happy thanksgiving tho!
  6. shortlove927

    Cannabis School

    Oh of course and I don’t expect this to happen in the blink of an eye just a lifelong goal. I have graduated high with diploma. I am on social security so I don’t have much “work” experience persay. I just want to get my foot in the door, which I have a meeting with Natural Gold CEO Monday, so...
  7. shortlove927

    Cannabis School

    Hello, my name is Sierra and a Happy Thanksgiving! How are you doing? I am slowly trying to pull myself together for todays big feast, but also to get started on my goal for the future. What goals for the future might i be talking about? I want to open up a marijuana dispensary/delivery/smoke...
  8. shortlove927

    Are you living with mental illness?

    Yes staying busy is something I continually do, it is so hard on the days I don’t feel like it.
  9. shortlove927

    Are you living with mental illness?

    I love all of the responses :) I have been trying to focus only on positive in my life. Negative really makes me into someone I don’t want to be or anyone to be around. I have cut people out or made different choices mentally the past few weeks. I’m hoping this holiday season can be joyful and...
  10. shortlove927

    Are you living with mental illness?

    As I’m sitting here contemplating whether I should go back to the ER due to having pain with what I believe is coming from a hernia mesh I had implanted back in 2015, I also find myself contemplating whether or not I am trying to escape from reality and just be away from my current situation and...
  11. shortlove927

    Are you living with mental illness?

    I feel this 100%