Recent content by Shmokey

  1. S

    HELP! my only seed has fallen over!!

    Reminds me.Thanks Must get some easy rollers.
  2. S

    Should this put me off?

    "is high maintenance and not very easy to manage." "If the pump is allowed to be off for any length of time, the roots will suffer from being waterlogged and starved of oxygen" Any length of time? "the CF and pH of this water is in a state of constant flux and therefore in need of constant...
  3. S

    HELP! my only seed has fallen over!!

    A better pic.
  4. S

    HELP! my only seed has fallen over!!

    Thanks all for your replys, I've stuck the compost pellet with the broken seed into a pot full of clay balls, the rest are still in the propergator. I've switched on my 250 hps light for now (far away) and supported it with some plastic stands and it is now looking much happier and has began to...
  5. S

    Should this put me off?

    I found this article and am now thinking I'm making the wrong choice for my first grow? I'm using 4 x 8 gallon tubs holding 6 plants each... Am I in out of my depth? (no pun intended) :wall:
  6. S

    HELP! my only seed has fallen over!!

    My only seed out of 16 has come up about 4-5 inches. I added light to them yesterday 24 hrs ago. Fine when I checked on her last night but thismorning she has looped over 180 degrees and is hanging down? Have I killed my only baby?
  7. S

    When to give up on seeds?

    Hi all, At what point do you give up on a seed germinating in water? ie after how many days ?
  8. S

    What now?

    Hi all 1st time grow help needed. I planted my seeds 7 days ago in jiffy pellets and have kept them warm and dark in a propergator, 1 has come up nearly 2 inches.. most of the others are still cracking and rooting. When should I stick a light over them? Or if you could point me to any thread...
  9. S

    Seeds smells of fish.

    I have advised to flush with fresh water and the smell has gone. They are not yet plants but 4 day old seeds. Thanks for the reply.
  10. S

    Seeds smells of fish.

    A mate has some seeds planted in rockwool cubes and heated propergator. The rockwool is soaked in water and veg nutrient, they are about 4 days old and they have started to smell a bit. Is this normal or are they starting to go mouldy? Any ideas guys ?
  11. S

    HIGH school bust

    Made me chuckle
  12. S

    Damn you stoneheads and this forum..

    Been visiting for a while now and thought it was time to join up and say hello... hello. Because of the helpfulness and friendliness, you've gone and put ideas in my head about growing my own!! So, I've built a growing room purchased seeds,jiffy pellets, propagator and lid, a 600w...