Recent content by sea of weed

  1. S


    good for you.....keep the pressure on he has 2 chargebacks now in the same week.....and no doubt he is reading this as i sent him a link to it....lololol
  2. S


    exactly......have pictures on the post of his homepage from his website its not a legit company so he is hardly going to be taking any legal action any time soon
  3. S


    im concidering openening up a few pages on IG under the same name as his site and then when people click on it i will have a large message warning people who he is and what he is up to could also add a couple of links to the threads about him for the non believers to read once there is enough...
  4. S


    OK so just a little update ive phoned the bank today and have started a chargback against paypal which only took about 5 mins to do might be an idea for you to do the same.....that way paypal may start to take a look at the account he is using with a more suspicious eye good luck dude let me...
  5. S


    well ill tell you a little story about paypal i sent a very expensive set of handlebars to a guy in america and once he had them for a month he then decided he wanted him money back so he went through the correct channel with paypal and i acepted his return then what he is supposed to do is...
  6. S


    cant or wont i was told the same by them so im also going to the bank tommorow to claw it back that way and if paypal dont like it they can close my account i rang them and tried to tell them about this fraudster and they didnt want to know.....just kept asking me the name on MY
  7. S

    universal seeds bank scam

    good advice thanks i was going to buy myself a cheap sim card with just a fiver on it.......i did realsie they will see who is ringing from the number and stupidly i did pay with friends and family so no matter how much i bet and plead they wont be refunding me anyway
  8. S


    nothing stopping anyone opening a page on IG using his name and letting the world know he is a scammer .....i bet that would piss him
  9. S

    universal seeds bank scam

    im not keen on my bank knowing my business.....which i guess is what he relies on im not that bothered about the $$$$ so im just gonna let paypal know who he is and what he is up to i wont tell them who i am........just a concerned so long as i can cause him problems im happy
  10. S

    universal seeds bank scam

    yes i noticed your post AFTER i was taken in i got suspicious so started looking into him and came across your post pity i didnt do that first.....but there you go.....hindsight is fantastic
  11. S

    universal seeds bank scam

    yeah i am legally entitled to buy them......but even so i dont want them knowing my business im just going to ring paypal as an anonymous person and let them know that a particular account is fraudulent and also give them the website name hopefully once i mention weed is involved they will...
  12. S

    universal seeds bank scam

    problem other people might have is worrying about their bank or paypal finding out they were buying seeds i think that is what he relies on when it comes to keeping hold of peoples $$$$$ i know its not illegal to buy seeds......but some people might not want their bank knowing their business
  13. S

    universal seeds bank scam

    i found out the hard way just wish i had come here first......but you live and learn
  14. S

    universal seeds bank scam

    sorry to hear that mate at first you feel stupid....but then it is a well put together website so im not gonna beat myself up over this just dust myself off and let as many people as possible know what he is about
  15. S
