Recent content by Scottydadog

  1. S

    Sick plant please help identify what may of caused this.

    Thanks for the input! I have read this plant can be finicky so there is a possibility of over feeding. she’s now on 0.25ml a+b per litre of water and will be straight water for next 7 days as she’s getting the chop.
  2. S

    Sick plant please help identify what may of caused this.

    As mentioned in original post I have 2 of these dankalato’s in my space and the other one is fine.
  3. S

    Sick plant please help identify what may of caused this.

    I have been following the emerald harvest feed chart, when I started to notice the problem I backed off the feed a bit but it didn’t seem to help. I was wondering if it was cal/mag deficiency but I’m in a hard water area so don’t think it could be that. I did have some fungus gnats so also...
  4. S

    Sick plant please help identify what may of caused this.

    Hi, Im looking for some help identifying what may of caused this problem with my plant, the leaves have been getting worse as time Goes by and some fan leaves at the top of the plant have gone completely brown and crisp. plant is grown in coco using emerald harvest 2 part nutrient line. My...
  5. S

    Sorry looking plant, what could the problem be?

    Hi I’m using ecothrive straight coco premixed with 2% charge, it is pre buffered. There Are so many different opinions but like you say there’s more than one way to skin a cat so I guess I just have to find what works for me.
  6. S

    Sorry looking plant, what could the problem be?

    Thanks, I think I will give this a go. Would you say mixing some Epsom salt with next watering is my best option rather than foliar feed then?
  7. S

    Sorry looking plant, what could the problem be?

    Hey thanks for your input. I’m going to let them dry and up the feed when I next water. Would Epsom salts in foliar feed help with the mg deficiency? I don’t think I need any calcium as the water where I am is hard.
  8. S

    Sorry looking plant, what could the problem be?

    I know that coco is a lot different to soil I have grown in coco once before from clone this time I’m going from seed, I had no problems on the first grow letting the medium dry a bit. I’m not letting the medium dry completely just the top inch or so, further down is still moist.
  9. S

    Sorry looking plant, what could the problem be?

    Would I not be over watering if the medium Is still wet the following day when I go to water again?
  10. S

    Sorry looking plant, what could the problem be?

    Thanks for the info, now have a few questions lol. If I water to run off then let the pots get light and the top inch or so dry which might take 3 days or so, how could I be over watering? If I’m not to let the top inch of coco dry when would you recommend that I water, when the pots are...
  11. S

    Sorry looking plant, what could the problem be?

    Hi all, my little plant is about 4 weeks old and not looking too happy so I’m looking for some advice as to what the issue might be. I’m growing in coco, currently using emerald harvest 2 part nutrients at 50% recommended dose which I have just upped to 75%. I don’t believe I’m overwatering as I...
  12. S

    Unhappy looking plant

    So the plant got a little worse shortly after my original post but now looks like it’s on the road to recovery. I do believe the issue for me was caused by a mix of transplant shock and and too much light, I turned my light down moved the plant out of direct light and after 24-48 hours it’s...
  13. S

    Unhappy looking plant

    Plants have dried out a bit now but the drooping seems worse, I think the light might be too intense so I’ve moved it up again. I may give them a light foliar feed today to see if it helps them.
  14. S

    Unhappy looking plant

    I have moved the light a bit further away and turned it up hopefully that will raise the temps a bit
  15. S

    Unhappy looking plant

    Thanks to anyone who replied re my thread the plant on the right is drooping