Recent content by scottprotege

  1. scottprotege

    Upside down leaves

    Maybe if you put the light on the floor they will flip back around =) tee hee.
  2. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    Time for another update, but sadly no plant pics this time. For the past 3 days they have all been on an 18/6 light schedule but this morning when the lights went off at 8:00, we started flowering. The plants are really a lot smaller than we wanted to flower them at but they are in a healthy...
  3. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    My last post didn't take. I just came back to check on my thread here and noticed my most recent post is nowhere to be found. SO, let's try this again shall we :blsmoke: If i remember correctly I said something about how I have taken them from 24/0 to 18/6. Also I did some transpotting since...
  4. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    After posting a thread in the "Help my dying plant!?!?" forum, I decided that it is quite possible I am not watering these little critters enough, also...maaaaaybe I need to move the light up a bit more? Eh? Well I tried it tonight. The light is up another 10 inches and they all got a big...
  5. scottprotege

    I've waited long enough, I need some advice...and ive done my homework

    After i realized i had a crazy pH going on i did give them a few days to recover with 6.3 water followed by a 1/5th strength veg nute feeding to try and boost them since i thought they might have been locking out the nutrients. Other than that it is straight ph'd water Thanks so much for your...
  6. scottprotege

    I've waited long enough, I need some advice...and ive done my homework

    After further examination I would be willing to put my money back on under watering...i have been trying a dry out period again the last 3 days and things are getting worse tonight...i gave em a big ol watering (soil was VERY dry, cracking...very light) I also decided to move the light up...
  7. scottprotege

    I've waited long enough, I need some advice...and ive done my homework

    The light is currently 18" above the top of the tallest plant, I just measured it a few hours ago :peace: - Bears
  8. scottprotege

    I've waited long enough, I need some advice...and ive done my homework

    There are a few fans, I just took them out of the cab for pics. Here i included a picture for you. And I would say I water them every 3 days..maybe 2 and a half. I have let them go longer to see if they perk up, no dice. I also at one point stepped the watering up to 2 days for a few waterings...
  9. scottprotege

    I've waited long enough, I need some advice...and ive done my homework

    Alright guys, here we are just 3 hours shy of 21 days since the beginning of germination. It's been a bumpy ride so far for these little girls and it does not appear to be getting any better. We've got...discoloration...curling...stunted growth...crispy leaves...the works. The best thing I can...
  10. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    For the past few days my digital camera and my computer have been fighting, so no pictures. I guess they finally settled their differences tonight as everything is working well. Got some more pictures here for your viewing pleasure. These plants have already been through a lot, and we have just...
  11. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    Here we are now 3 days later and the ladies are looking much, much better. The heat is not much of an issue anymore, the fans are blowing air all over the place, thickening up the stems, giving my babies some fresh air...yeeeeeah. I picked up a pH meter as well a few days ago and did some...
  12. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    It's great to have you here, I have actually been keeping an eye on your grow as well, trying to get an idea of what our little ladies will look like on down the line. Thanks man. I put the fans in for that reason, and for more circulation. Hopefully they get the job done. :peace: - Bears
  13. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    Yeah they are going through a rough time right now, but i see them making an excellent recovery in the next 3 days. Hopefully after that we will see some new growth and progress. The updates will definitely keep coming, thanks for checking out our grow!! And as for the "Freak", any plant is...
  14. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    This morning I woke up and decided it was just way to hot in the cabinet. These little babies are stressed enough by my mistakes, the least I can do is eliminate the heat issue...and i did :mrgreen: It took me a few hours to re-route all of the ventilation, move the location of the fan, yadda...
  15. scottprotege

    First Go With Hindu Kush By The Bears

    Time for another update and I gotta be honest. Things are not looking too good for quite a few of our plants. Temps are way too high due to the 400w hps bulb in there, but a pyrex bake a round tube is on the way. Once it arrives we will be making a cool tube out of it and retubing the...