Recent content by Scott grower

  1. S

    Fan Leaf stems turning purple

    I believe and this is just from my personal experience with it that the purple stems on the fan leaves are a build up of nutriets in the buds and leaves... when I did my last flush I noticed the purple stems were going back to a pale green colour from the bottom up which I’m guessing indicates...
  2. S

    Have any of you used Inkbird thermostats for your cooling/heating?

    Would it work with just a 4” intake fan (rvk 4” fan) and a tubular heater?
  3. S

    Flush because nute burn

    Ah ok. I'm growing in coco so only enough nutrients for the first couple of weeks. Then I used plant magic coco a and b and root stimulant. Thanks for all info! I did the flush today and got the water down to around 200 ppm.
  4. S

    Flush because nute burn

    Hi All So I'm having to flush my 3 week old babies as they seem to have nute burn started on the second set of single leaves but now looks like it's just affecting the above 3 leaved stalk. My question is... is there a possibility of overwatering during this flush and should I just use...