Recent content by Schmidty

  1. Schmidty

    How do you guys suggest I handle this situation??

    Sounds like the HIV waiting to happen... call her and check it out!
  2. Schmidty

    Is growing shrooms like growing weed?

    I must be an idiot... I always found weed so much easier! haha I made several attempts to inoculate jars using PFtek... Not once did I get anything to grow. Yeah, I even tried a different strain from a different creditable online source. :( Makes me sad... Shrooms are my all-time favorite past...
  3. Schmidty

    how to end a bad trip?

    Honestly, don't take them if you're unsure. Shrooms, peyote, ayahuasca and such are capable of naturally shifting your consciousness to another "perspective". One in which "time" and "reality" do not act in the same manner as in "normal" standards. If you're not ready to experience that, whether...
  4. Schmidty

    Melatonin and Shrooms

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes!
  5. Schmidty

    your toys

    Yeah, my parents packed up all the toys from when we were kids. They're saving them until they have grandchildren to disperse them to... :-) Gotta love the parents!
  6. Schmidty

    drying with rice

    So, it seems to be working pretty well. I wouldnt call it a miracle or anything, but I wouldnt say that it doesnt help. I covered the bottom of a paper bag with rice, then put all my trimmings and small buds in a tupperware that would fit inside. My original plan was to fold up the rice inside...
  7. Schmidty

    Your Relationship With Your Dealer

    I had the same dealer for about four years when I was buying... Great guy, the type of guy you would want to hang with if it weren't business. We would chill for a bit whenever we met up, but aside from that I could never see mixing business with pleasure. Always made sense to keep this at arms...
  8. Schmidty

    drying with rice

    I'll be harvesting tonight. Will try this and post some info this weekend on how it goes!
  9. Schmidty


    I have two Banyan Tree seedlings that are a couple weeks old now. Will be transplanting them into bonsai pots and attempting to bonsai from seed... :-) Will post some pics if I can remember to grab the camera one day. They're absolutely stunning in my opinion when they're mature bonsais...
  10. Schmidty

    A change

    1) Stop eating shitty food. Make real meals, take lunch to work/school and quit eating out. 2) Go to the gym. Don't "make an attempt to work out at home". If you make the commitment to go to the gym, purchase a membership and work out at least every other day then you'll find that you actually...
  11. Schmidty

    Could I grow a tomato plant exactly the same as I would grow a pot plant?

    Tomatoes are very close genetically to pot, so the answer to your question is Yes; you can grow tomatoes in the same fashion as a pot plant with all of the same equipment. If you're ever in a hydroponics store, just say "I grow tomatoes" and they'll know exactly what you mean! haha
  12. Schmidty

    Smell neutralizing plant?

    Long story short; there isnt anything "pleasant" that you're going to want to plant that will mask the smell. I tried lavender right outside my house, and even at its peak you could still smell something else.
  13. Schmidty

    starting garden. best place to get good seeds?

    Seeds of Change Certified Organic. Never had a problem!
  14. Schmidty

    MDMA ideas....

    Yes, you can crush it up and put it in water... It tastes as wonderful as chewing it up, which if you havent done is about as pleasurable as finding a flea in your girlfriend's bush. :spew:
  15. Schmidty

    If you only do one thing today... it should be this...

    Do you not understand that if another war comes to "blow their whole fucking country up..." its going to start a nuclear war? The likes of which would not end likely for most of the world's population. I'm not aiming to call you an idiot here, but that was just not much of an informed comment.