Recent content by Sarenna

  1. Sarenna

    Advice on better bud pics please, mine suck ass!!

    A friend of mine taught me a few tricks for good pictures of things that don't move (my ladies, flowers, my cat, etc.) I don't know technical words, but they've helped me a lot. Since you have only one light, try to stand beside it when you take your pictures so that it doesn't get into the...
  2. Sarenna

    Sarenna's Very Very Low Budget Grow - Comments Welcome

    So far, so good. The JMC plant has been sprouted for ten days and I'm impressed. It's 15/85 indica/sativa, and already quite leggy, so it's going to be LST'd because frankly, we don't have the vertical space for something that wants to be so tall. Even though it's only branching into its...
  3. Sarenna

    Thanks for the offer of advice, C. I think I'm probably going to need it - I've gotten pretty...

    Thanks for the offer of advice, C. I think I'm probably going to need it - I've gotten pretty far by reading and treating my ladies like medical tomatoes, but I can see that causing problems in the long term. :)
  4. Sarenna

    First Grow- Aurora Indica

    Jessy, your grow looks fantastic! Question about your CO2 generator, what stage were your plants at when you started it up?
  5. Sarenna

    Explain why people don't do this ( giant plant pots )

    Plenty of organic growers DO try to set up their containers with enough soil and amendments so that they only need to water with plain water for the entire growing period, so your idea is not farfetched. I may be corrected by a more experienced grower, but most people who grow in soil choose...
  6. Sarenna

    Wonderful wormies work well !!!!

    That sounds doable - we're already soil growing and composting but I wanted something to keep inside for when my outdoor compost is frozen. Thanks for the advice!
  7. Sarenna

    Wonderful wormies work well !!!!

    Yay, I've been dying to ask someone with wormies how it's going! Question - your worm bucket, how much compostable material are they going through in a week? I want to get some, but I worry that I can't provide them with enough edibles and they'll starve.
  8. Sarenna

    Anti-Coagulant Agent in Marijuana? Pics

    My own research (similar background) absolutely correlates with what you've said. I've seen NIH articles warning about interactions between pot and warfarin and/or coumadin (two common blood thinners). Also, there's some exciting research going on regarding the anticoagulant properties of THC...
  9. Sarenna

    Sarenna's Very Very Low Budget Grow - Comments Welcome

    With two family members now medically excused, a *very* low budget, supply problems in my area, and a green thumb, I decided to give a grow a try. I don't honestly know if it's going to work, but it's worth a shot. We're growing three plants. I know the scale sounds silly, but I wanted to...
  10. Sarenna

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all, thought I'd pop my head in and introduce myself. Embarking on my first grow and I'm very excited to learn from everyone. Cheers all! Off to start the grow journal!