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  • First timer here and starting off with the auto flowering low ryder strain. Im in Florida and was wondering how successful an outdoor grow will be? I started the seeds off in wet paper towels for about forty hours, by this time they had about half inch tails. I planted them seed up in about a gallon pot and was wondering how long it will be before they sprout? Also I was wondering how often I should water or if I should let them go seeing as Im in Florida and it is the summer time so we do get regular showers? Is a gallon sized pot enough or will I need to transplant? Any ideas would be very help, thanks and keep it groovy everyone.
    First timer here and starting off with the auto flowering low ryder strain. Im in Florida and was wondering how successful an outdoor grow will be? I started the seeds off in wet paper towels for about forty hours, by this time they had about half inch tails. I planted them seed up in about a gallon pot and was wondering how long it will be before they sprout? Also I was wondering how often I should water or if I should let them go seeing as Im in Florida and it is the summer time so we do get regular showers? Is a gallon sized pot enough or will I need to transplant? Any ideas would be very help, thanks and keep it groovy everyone.
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