Recent content by RUCKUS!

  1. R

    Aero/DWC first time grow

    OH SHNAPPPP.... excited... lots of growth... hopefully they keep rockin
  2. R

    What Michael Phelps *should* of said

    Stupid Ignorant assholes... i hate america... the point is he inhaled, and he still could out swim any of those fucking assholes in monkey suits! FACE IT AMERICA!!!! POTHEADS JUST DO IT BETTER...
  3. R

    (my 1st grow)CFL Stealth Water Tank

    well then i shall be patient!
  4. R

    (my 1st grow)CFL Stealth Water Tank

    Thats what i thoughht.... jsut scared me cause of the red pistils idk.,,, noobie mistake... lol
  5. R

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Imma remember that holly leaf trick for summer!!! thanks i allways love learning shit!
  6. R

    (my 1st grow)CFL Stealth Water Tank

    Well i got the pics of those sacks!!! here idk wtf they are.... but there covered in trichs and i pulled one off they are extremely sticky
  7. R

    Bump If You're Baked!

    BUUUUUUUUUUMPPPP "My vision getting blurry I'm about to fall asleep Or am I dying, I need to eat cause this some potent weed" 36 mafia
  8. R

    (my 1st grow)CFL Stealth Water Tank

    GOOD NEWS AND SHITTY FUCKING NEWS!!!! yesterday i went and took a bunch of porn! yay! today i went for feeding... and the tiny little plant seems to have little seed shaped pods with 2 amber pistils shooting out underneath the 2 top popcorn nuggs.... WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!!!??? i dun...
  9. R

    Could I be...?

    That sounds horrible... closest ive ever seen to this was when my cousin ate way too much, of way too potent, Canna Butter.... He was throwing up for 3 days... with Hot/Cold sweats... shivering but Sweating bullets at the same time.... i would take some Antihistamine/ benedryl and then smoke...
  10. R

    Grow Set-Up 2-3 Plants?

    Budding and flowering are the same... Blue is better for Vegetation.... this is the stage where the plants have no sex and grow no flower... Flowering is when they like red more... this is where there are buds or pollen sacks(OR BOTH IF YOU HERMI OUT LOL) During both veg and flowering the plants...
  11. R

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    LTW I have to know is your lowryder autoflower? Where did you get the seeds... i wanna get a good pure lowryder strain any help much appreciated WHERE SOME PORN!!! I WANNA SEE PICS!
  12. R

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    i have this extreme fetish i guess... everynight! i pack as many bong bowls with some decent chron... then as soon as i wake up... i roll over and RIP THEM ALL IN A ROW!! FUCKING WILL BLOW YOU UP! im serrious its so good its ritual now!
  13. R

    First time. In Flowering

    Word man .... looks like a lettuce factory!!! im pretty sure in picture 4 that the tops are hairs... not a good close up but they either look like that or really light collored shoots,,, looks great thoough.... + rep man ps. i know exactly what you mean... my lights come on at 7 everyday!! i...
  14. R

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    WORD DON.... we all are waiting here... lol but of course im one to talk, i could fucking put somthing off for a century before actually getting around to it :D Tokin 1 for you all!
  15. R

    Send a letter to the President in under a minute *please*

    NSW its YOUR NOTORIOUS COUSIN!!! I agree... SEnd them in the more we mass the more recognization we will get... the more were recognized the more they will have to actually think about our cause